Literary Yard

Search for meaning

By: Safiyyah Motaib


was walking down a road one day
met a spider and thought I’d listen
to what he had to say

was 63 years old he said
while he weaved golden thread
around, silver stars he looks into
when lights go off lies begin to
come alive

he tells me of
poison that falls from pink skies
soaking into life till it dies
pain in all eight of his eyes
he tells me of
past generations with pride
he tells me of times
when clocks ticked, synchronized
surrounded by smiles
when every one was simple.
everything was simple.
when greed was

was 63 years old he said
while he weaved golden thread
around, silver stars he looks into
when lights go off lies begin to
come alive

but now he sighs
green paper pushes people
off the edge leaving
abandoned bikes behind on
bridges waiting to be burned down
but there isn’t a spark to be found
he tells me of
clocks running wild
lost sometime between
yesterday and tomorrow’s child

was walking down a road one day
met a spider and thought I’d listen
to what he had to say


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