Poem: Missing Them
By: Kimberly Potter Kendrick
83 degrees, sunny
Beloved spot
Golden rays shine
Beaming upon bronzed skin
Pool enticing
Gnawing in her stomach
Ambiguous uneasiness
Distinct days
No laughter
No smiles
No traditions
Sparkling lights fill the space
Emptiness permeates her
Questioning the decision
Recollecting the reasons
Reminiscing the progression
Opportunities abundant
Home sweet home
Aspirations transformed to reality
Today is different
The gap in her heart amplified
They are there, I am here
Missing them wholly
Tears gently flow
Communication strained
Impending visit abandoned
Dismissed from day to day life
No little ones to bestow enormous hugs
No messy kisses
Heartbreaking spells
Magical moments posted on social media
Her big boy busies himself with TV
No time for she
Memories forgotten
The daughter works, cooks, cleans, takes care of the children
She too overlooks
Too busy to call
Too busy to message
It’s as if she never existed
Little one just a babe
Too young to remember
Gently they rocked, soft lullabies sung to drowsy eyes
Cuddled against the grandmother’s chest he slept
She has not forgotten
Frequent visits
Lengthy conversations
Indulging the children
Embraced as the grandmother
Someone valuable
Somebody exceptional
Unaware of the consequences
What her decision meant
Omitted from their lives
Beyond their love
They are there, she is here
Missing them wholly
Tears gently flow
The bond has been broken