Poems: ‘At the January Sales’ n ‘Taped over’
By: Bernard Pearson

At the January Sales
I see you through the window of a shop
But for once my heart no longer stops,
For you are nothing to me now.
You could buy me the world for all I care
And wrap it carefully in your underwear,
For you are nothing to me now.
You haven’t changed a bit you know,
I don’t even mind the man you have in tow,
For you are nothing to me now.
You’ve seen me now reflected in the glass
And we smile at each other as we pass,
For we are nothing to each other now.
Taped Over
The Technological revolution
Has left me well behind
Though digitally remastered
I still have an eight track mind.
BERNARD PEARSON: His work appears in many publications, including; Aesthetica Magazine , The Edinburgh Review, Crossways, In 2017 a selection of his poetry ‘In Free Fall’ was published by Leaf by Leaf Press. In 2019 he won second prize in The Aurora Prize for Writing for his poem Manor Farm
Nice piece!