My Journal
By: Sheila Henry

Inner Life
blossoms on
pages and
creativity spreads open
like budding
flowers on a Spring morn
In humility I share
secrets of myself
my feelings and emotions
of doubts of fears
of achievements of dares
being comforted by the
strokes of my pen
I bare my soul on the page
revealing stories of reality
that made up my day
I share these things to my inner life
in this sacred space I surrender all
It’s where answers lie in wait
to questions of daily challenges
‘What should I do about this
or What should I do about that?’
and as if through a higher power
between thoughts and words
I sow my outer life alive
calmly guided by
my inner one.
Sheila’s writing style can best be categorized as Visual Poetry, blending emotion and vision into a poem or story of color. Her poems and short stories are featured at Spillwords Publications, Literary Yard, Sweety Cat Press Anthology, I, The Writer, and Youtube Poetica2 series, Cafe Lit.UK and Clarendon House Publications Anthology Poetica 2
Very nice
I love it
Love this!
beautifully written
Our outer lives are so different from our inner lives. Our outer life is pseudo-painted with material achievement and fame. It’s competing with a rat race. If we don’t recognise our inner life we become mere bodies with no soul.
Sheila Henry has, in simple words expressed the joy of sharing of inner life through the medium of poetry. As a poet you are blessed to have the appreciation of the readers to share those multiple thoughts of yours.
Enjoyed at the very first reading of the poem.