Literary Yard

Search for meaning

By: Deogratias Kagali

Thinking hit me to the core
Nothing straight passes in.
Trapped, in a ‘door-less’ room
Round and round, I keep going
Hitting hard on its walls
Bruising my body, head to toe.

The only vision I see is abstract
Non-tangible, non-sensible.
My feet numb, unable to walk!
Unable to set them on it
The split route, that’s it!
The vision awaiting my move.

Closing my eyes and I see,
The destination of each route.
Stranded, I get frozen
What to choose? Where to go?
One to my blood leading,
The other to service of my origin.

“Unworthy you are, unable to grasp”
My conscience awakes me.
Then I get it, the reality around.
The door-less room I’m locked in,
The surreal possibilities I see.
No way out, I whisper to myself.

But how did I end up here?
“Your will”, a sound echo!
Turning left-right, not to see it
How? In this door-less room?
“You walked past a door,
Built a brick wall with your hands
You blocked it!”


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