‘Hamartia’ and other poems
By: Gregory J Powell

Son of John,
Animal’s eyes;
Sees the wold,
And never cries.
Daughter of Heaven,
And daughter of Earth;
Already present,
At History’s birth.
Yesterday is merely a tutor,
Aorist future;
The trees blur to become the jungle.
Immortality in retrospect,
Past imperfect;
She alone remembers the river.
Which then the kinder fate,
Die ‘thout fear nor regret;
Or else live forever,
Unable to forget?
Eight (in alphabetical order)
The good little man
Is dead.
Has departed from this plane.
Remains a constant.
The Light
Yet burns.
Funerary rites for
The wicked
Now dream in peace.
The Death Angel
Begs off.
Orange Fungus
After signing the Peace of Bergen,
The hierarch wandered the grounds;
The trees in leaf were verdant,
But the elms were all cut down.
Solstice follows Tenebrae,
Then comes the equinox;
Snow falls deep in Cathay,
O’er the lupine and the phlox.
From Thule east the dynast,
Intricate tracery surveys;
Scolytidae palpitatus,
Ulmus requiescat in pace.
The fictile lump brought up by the Earth-diver,
Warmed by Atum’s heat,
(Prefiguring the want of Venus’ s embrace),
The sixth mother becomes.
Ma’at will prevail,
‘Til Balder lies tolled,
Then must deified Ojin choose,
And Argeiphontes deliver the mail.
Little stooping Lugh goes underground,
While doughty Heimdall listens to the grass grow,
And watches for the end in the Smoking Mirror.