Literary Yard

Search for meaning

‘Kissing you//Kissing the moon’ and other poem

By: Kusumita Kanango


Kissing you, I think
would be like kissing the moon
Touching my lips
To the dusky horizon
As you come up
And lingering
Till dawn
Steals u away.

Kissing you
Tasting the myriad of
Eons old
Manhandled emotion
On your silken tongue
Getting lost in the maze
Of the ivory veins
On your skin.

Kissing you
Leaving earth
Would be treading
The hollow curves
Of your drunken misery
One misstep
And I ‘d be kissing

Kissing you
Would be
Seeing You
Witnessing you
Like never before
Your every phase
Ur every shape
Turning, moving, changing
Ur jagged edges
stirring my flesh
Every time
We touch.



Its 2021 and the sirens are inside
I don’t know when they made it here
In crooked monotony
They sing of gambled air and false hope
Breaking hearts
Like cheap
They crawl up every inch of my skin
Hands, ears, bones
And blast up my insides.
With every song,
They sing
They chip away a little bit of my innocence
THEY sing of our daylight crimes
Of Our weak will
They cackle
our own song.
As they sing,
They sing till their throats bleed rose
Smothering the pure white
Of the puny lies that
We led as lives.


Kusumita Kanango is an aspiring  poet in high school who lives and writes in India . She  has published with TEEN INK along with contributing pieces for her high school journals and other locals . For her , poetry is the raw essence of vulnerability . A literature fanatic at heart , she believes in finding life in the little things .

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