Jesus, son of Mary
By: Mini Babu

He remained with them
for thirty uninterrupted years
with habitual grandeur
of bouts of revelations,
at what times,
He carpentered an extraordinarily
flawless table,
for His mother to unwrap,
her wishes for the family
as food,
and at other times,
He proceeded with thoroughly
hurried steps
to the limits
of peaks, seas and lives
to embrace the revelations
that hit Him strong
and back at home
His hands trembled
at the extraordinariness
of the moments . . .
. . . only if she could ask for
more, would He not act for her!
more water, more wine, sure,
more taste, He will not,
for she was to portion
the tastes of His revelations . . .
they were the ordinary,
like all families,
loved, disagreed and
had sumptuous feasts,
accompanied her to the temple,
market and neighbours homes.
Dr Mini Babu is working as Associate Professor of English with the Dept. of Collegiate Education, Govt. of Kerala and now working at BJM Govt. College, Chavara, Kollam. Her poems have featured in anthologies, journals and magazines. Her collections of poems are Kaleidoscope (2020) and Shorelines (2021). Her co-edited collection of poems is Meraki (2021).