Literary Yard

Search for meaning

By: Vandana Sharma

Photo by George Becker on

As the night blankets the world,
and stars sing a lullaby,
insomnia’s heaven rises just right.

The world is quiet,
its silence- an elixir,
for the hungry spirits,
lost in the day – light.

Night’s stillness,
a refuge,
for the countless thoughts,
scattered away like pearls,
night sews them into the sky’s veil,
and lets them fly to infinite heights,
insomnia’s heaven rises just right.


Dr. Vandana Sharma has a PhD in Hematology.  Poetry writing is her hobby. Her poems (general & science) have been published in different print and online journals/magazines like Harvests of New Millennium, Sky Island, Rewrite Sunlight Anthology, Ashvamegh Magazine, VerbalArt, Catharsis Anthology, Borderless Journal, Consilience (peer-reviewed science poetry journal), International Journal of Epidemiology

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