Literary Yard

Search for meaning

By: Cailey Tarriane

I had two choices.
Hide from the light, transform into the light of my life.
Or glow in the dark
Embrace the flaws, pay off my debts to the world.

The bone-rattling burden of choosing what is right
was when one has moral standards like me.
But the monster inside me must be surrendered to the dark
That I was sure of.

So now, I present myself to the light, weary of hiding
Weary of worried crease lines and living lies.
In response, I am sucked into the dark
Knowing I did the right thing, because
I am glowing.


Cailey Tarriane is an author and poet who writes novels, flash fiction- anything under the sun.
She has experience in editing, co-writing, and writing about her pets. During her free time, she
can be found sinking in a great fantasy book. Visit her Twitter at @caileytarriane.

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