Literary Yard

Search for meaning

‘Evening Walk’ and other poems

By: Lucy Sage

Evening Walk

To the East
The Moon sinks
Below pink clouds.
Purple plumes pirouette
To the West.
Ribs of orange
Slip behind
Palm and oak tree horizons.

The Mockingbird
Rocks on a wire
Flips through her setlist
Including a cardinal cover.
A bluebird rests on an oak branch.
The constant hum of vehicles on 34th Street
Creates a pleasant background rhythm.

Helmeted neighbors breeze by on their bicycles.
An air conditioner complains.
A gentle wind rustles through palms
Swallowing every minute or so.
A cockroach scampers under our feet.
A family returns from the beach,
And the mockingbird croons on.

I Am from the 20th Century

I am from the 20th Century,
From red-bricked home and lilac bushes.
I am from a backyard rose garden
Beautiful, thorny and heaven scent.
I am from the Woods next door,
Dark, scary and intriguing.
I am from strawberry-rhubarb pie,
Sweet, sour and luscious.
I’m from mental illness and criticism
From a wounded mother and hardworking father.
I’m from tense meals and overeating
From Eat everything on your plate
There are children starving in China.
I’m from silent anger and angst
From Go to your room until you can be pleasant.
I’m from silent meetings for worship
And skepticism of Christian Religiosity.
I’m from wine, highballs and cigarette smoke
From Chicklets gum and fruit stands,
From Bridge tournaments, auctions and Sunday drives.

I am from the 20th Century.

Rebellion Dog Prayer

God, please give me serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
And willingness to change what ails me.

Willingness is a much steeper dog walk
Than courage.
As Bill W wrote,
Rebellion dogs our every step.

I manage to refrain from self sabotage.
As such, serenity and sanity fill my heart, mind and soul.
The rebellion dogs bark.

In one second, I trip
On a freshly dug hole.
The dogs balk at surrender.
Self discipline is not my strength.

Dear God, I cannot do this alone
Please give me a puppy curled up on my lap,
And steadfast willingness, fortitude and humility.
Is this too much to ask?

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