Literary Yard

Search for meaning

‘Sideways Movements’ and other poems

By: KJ Hannah Greenberg

Sideways Movements

To shy, to surreptitiously slide from moment to moment
Could bring about vermiculated communications, else
Conflict among rimose relations, also rime, snow, most
Forms of chilled existence.

Humoral problems typically originate when loved ones’
Vagarities leak. Such capriciousness leads to all manner
Of dispute no matter how modestly a wildly perceived
Irregularity comports.

Frequently, it’s termerity that doffs its hat at discord.
Few other sentiments dare interrupt intimate ententes.
Associations reman valued for their gifts or rarity (at
Least almost always.)

Phenotypic Diversity

Genes, when interacting with environments, grant unequal access to various levels
Of information such that culpability for disproportionate dissemination varies, suits
Media use customs, differing private moral orders, language’s proper consequences.
Epitomizing “right,” as patterns of symbolic and psychological references, codifies “Meaning” into laws, rules, and systems lest views get stymied by failed traditions. Legitimized, contemporary applications of sanctioned significance construct norms.

Yet, in a highly prescriptive manner, universal standards often neglected to examine
Details, to organize discourse, to refrain from rewriting passages as donnish reports.
Utilitarian similitude’s no base from which to observe weirdly manifesting dialogue.
As a precursor to and an aftereffect of uniformity, visibility, community credibility,
Instances or types of cues enhance existent mysteries about hegemonical exclusivity
Vis a via definitions (motes repress people by dint of paradigms besides functions.)

Negotiating various incommensurable positions, hence, maybe, is conflicting, passes
Forward materials not otherwise available. People charged with public dependability
Seem unable to extricate themselves beyond quagmires of institutional policy-making.
The ubiquitousness of magniloquence, likewise the designative, legislative, moreover
Evaluative properties of cyphers inference alternative models for many human digits.
Bigotry’s nothing relative to undereducated masses’ responses to current world trials.

So, presuming words’ magnitude yields an idiosyncratic coalition to actions’ outcomes.
We own accountability for providing explanations for the negotiation of shared oaths
Among individuals with disparate sources, in addition to allotting self-responsibility.
When empowered persons elect to enhance social freedoms, global triumphs, equally
Shortcomings of common, sophisticated linguistic devices, diminish representation’s
Causality, detract from their capability to enlighten privileged along with bourgeoisie.

Today, the nexus of semantics and scruples forces abstract ideas to signal importance,
To make concrete human involvements a hybridization of philosophical & rhetorical
Ideations, to prove intentional exchange principles less valuable than accidental ones.
Seems that we “prevail” only if raising questions via “virtuous” personal expressions.
Else, institutional roles, rubrics classify nontechnical justifications of transmissions,
Carefully explore phenomena encircling the staging of answerability, sit up straight.

The Individual’s Perspective

Most arguments represent terministic screens’ stifling tendencies.
“Perspicuity,” after all, reflects culturally-biased views, not discounted,
Socially legitimized documents. Expressively, most principled conceptual
Constraints tend, overall, to exist as relativistic readings of “levelheadedness.”

Yet, we can still appreciate each other without skepticism or demographic
Temerity, sans experimental rhetoric. Appearing to refute published notions,
Additionally passed forward via schools, constitutions, personal diaries, spawns
“Subjective” designs, dialogues that snub “convenient” memories, that cut topoi.

In describing historic, individual, or social artifacts, it’s best we: provide for
Contextually-dependent collections of people, from pairs to global populations,
Temporally lay down how our muses might assume consciousness’ guise, speak
Of how we are capable of conjuring significant benevolence that can cause offense.

Instead, when our outlooks emerge from philosophy/communication discussions,
Any tremendum evokes the relative weight of orality. Job offers, housing contracts
(Via hardly binding handshakes) omitted ritualized agreements, assertive, innovative
Tests to self-empowered, too, prove entelechy isn’t uniformly possible or even original.

Our understandings, as yielded by the phenomenology of ethics, differ from
Those wrought by rhetorical theory; cognition is concurrently the mother, the
Child, likewise, the last descendant, the starting point for our further questions,
Educing dogma plus sophism’ forceful sympathy, compassion, kindheartedness.

Hence, “inclusive” means acknowledging, integrating, actively picturing new
Definitions for roles, also rules. Similarly, it’s an invited jumping off space for
Shunned individuals. Erudition can address deficiency. Pejorative rhetoric can be
Dismissed, be bade to make way for introspective renditions of truth plus diversity.

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