A Note From Mister C
By: Bruce Levine
Dear Reader,
I believe that all life should be lived between forty and sixty. Of course I don’t mean that the human life span should be between forty and sixty, heaven forbid, but that the accompaniment to a long life should be between forty and sixty.
To begin with I believe that the daily temperature outdoors should be between forty and sixty degrees year ‘round. This requires a light jacket to be worn which enhances a civilized wardrobe. It also allows for fall leaves and spring flowers.
Secondly, houses shouldn’t exist unless they have at least forty to sixty rooms and since ownership should be banned the perfect living accommodations should be rental apartments in buildings between forty and sixty stories tall.
Living in a forty to sixty environment coincides with my belief that all life should be lived by the light of the moon. To prove my thesis I ask you, Dear Reader, if any of you know anyone who ever got a moon-burn? And, if any of you know anyone who ever got skin cancer from too much moonlight?
I rest my case, Dear Reader.
And so, I wish you all a happy life, living happily ever after in glorious, romantic moonlight, between forty and sixty.
Yours sincerely,
Mister C
Nope, no skin cancer from our precious moonlight.