Literary Yard

Search for meaning

By: Tom Ball

     I say, I have a myriad of difficulties in my life. My true love has affairs with androids. And I was redundant as an architect. An android had replaced me and the stipend I get from the government is not enough to travel elsewhere in the Solar System where they are mostly pro-human. But finally, a philanthropist paid my way to Mars Utopia #4. There the people were all maverick humans who had radical views. Like all be dressed flamboyantly and were radical writers… I have mentioned below, just a few of them… They were all seminal reading.


      Like one who wrote “Ben’s Dreams,” which was about a dreamer who dreamed of a Dreamworld in which everyone just went to drug bars and were very promiscuous and lived in ecstasy and spent a lot of time daydreaming of future love. One could create a lover from human DNA and select a type of personality that appealed to you. Or one could create children according to suit. It was futuristic and an anti-AI dream.


      Like one writer who wrote “Nightmares on Luna #5,” which was about varying nightmares like a nightmare of aliens taking control of all humans and making them slaves who had to build temples to the aliens and everyday humans were sacrificed to show their devotion to the aliens. Some pundits said aliens would be enlightened and would not do such things. Others were of the opinion that aliens would be hostile to potential competition from humans. And most people thought we’d meet aliens sooner or later and needed to be prepared. Some said aliens would be totally different from us. Still others said they were already in our heads and behind our civilizations. People couldn’t agree on the subject of aliens.


     Another writer wrote, “Radical Day” about a World in which everyone was a thinker and got along famously. This writer said it was a World of elite thinkers who were very fertile and had many genius children. And their sperm and eggs were available to ordinary people who all wanted genius children, even sometimes adopting a genius child from the progeny of the geniuses. And he wrote that all the geniuses would be kind and caring souls. Many critics though said many future geniuses would not be kind.


      And then there was a writer who wrote, “Oblivion of the Hell’s Angels.” It was about modern gangsters who rode air cycles and sold narcotics in the USA, where they were still illegal, unlike most places. But finally, they started to use MRT (Mind Reading Technology) on the bikers and got them to desist and arrested their ringleaders in the near future.


      Another writer wrote, “Mable’s Empire,” about a woman who ruled Northeast USA and insisted everyone find true love, if they didn’t, they had to see a life coach and suffered from extra taxes. The goal was to make a love Utopia. But many people in the Empire said love had to come naturally, and couldn’t be forced, and found themselves lying about their love affairs to please Mable’s censors. But Mable was convinced she had brought love to everyone and encouraged people to have numerous true loves. Mable said, “Love ought to be everyone’s top priority, and perhaps their only priority.” But everyone was conscripted to serve one year a decade in military service, to safeguard the Empire. However, Mable said people had plenty of free time to do military service and they too would be required to have true love. Some pointed out that love and war were polar opposites. But she said, “One had to be realistic and the Empire didn’t exist in a vacuum.” But she encouraged her people to look inwards into their souls and to one another and have as little to do with the outside World as possible.


     Another writer wrote of a beautiful garden World in which people walked naked and ate fruit from the trees and plucked vegetables. This World was in deep Space on a Planet with a comfortably warm climate with breathable air. People here mostly grouped themselves with kindred spirits, though some were aimless wanderers. And people here would sing together at night and would play guitars and drums. They sang like in a choir singing classics of far distant Earth, as well as some original compositions. And they had a holy song book about the life of Samantha Lien. She was one of the original settlers here. And said people here should live in peace and love and songs, and all be vegetarians. Samantha was still alive at the ripe age of 202 and had loved all the 10,000 men here and made it her business to care about everyone on the Planet. The people had no children and mostly lived on and on. Meanwhile on Earth people warred constantly with one another. And some were even cannibals. Samantha told the people to forget about the evils of Earth and there was no communication with Earth or any other colonies. But of course, this colony was bound to have the evils of humanity to appear in the form of rogue pirates who came here and enslaved all the humans to build them grand palaces and Super air cars. And abused the humans, physically and sexually. The people all thought they were a race of sadistic perverts. And the aliens copied human love; something they didn’t have in their rather cruel culture. Their culture was dog-eat-dog, and all of these aliens were at each other’s throats, vying for the leadership. Anyway, the Eden that had existed here was totally destroyed and the humans here found themselves competing with one another for the pirates’ favor.


     And there was a writer, who wrote about a future World in which it was a Dystopia of rule by puppet leaders who were backed by evil oligarchs, who hated stupid people, and gradually eliminated ordinary people and then started phasing out all those who they believed were not geniuses. Finally, they had everyone alive, being genetically related to the oligarchs and finally the purges came to an end. But most of the 12 oligarchs figured there wasn’t enough variety in the gene pool, so they created all new humans in the lab, clever people to amuse them. But many of these new humans didn’t like the leadership and had to be put down. But all those who survived were basically content.


     Then there was a writer who wrote, about a World on the verge of WW III in which people burned their candle at both ends. A gloom hung over the people here, but everyone felt powerless to do anything about it. They were all in the hands of their tyrannical leaders. All governments were dictatorships and ruled ruthlessly. And rebels were summarily executed. And finally, it was war and 75% of the people died as if they were worthless chattels. And their decaying corpses were strewn about everywhere. The survivors though were glad that their leaders were all killed in the war and finally democracies were established everywhere, and people mostly wanted to fight for democracy, having learned their lesson. And they told themselves they should have rebelled stronger against the previous dictators. But life went on and soon most people had forgotten the past. And it was war again.


     And there was a writer who wrote about a virtual modern hotel in which lovers met virtually as 3-D holograms. It was becoming fashionable and led to great ecstasy for all. And this writer said, “Everyone should convert permanently to a hologram.” And he convinced many to do that.

Holograms could live anywhere and teleport anywhere and were creatures of pleasure and knowledge. But some were deadest against him and said he was evil. And finally, this writer was assassinated.


     Another writer wrote about people who turned into cats and dogs and their minds were transferred to these animals and they all had human voice boxes. Many thought it was kinky to become an animal. And she wrote about people turning into other animals. Some had human bodies and animal faces, others had animal bodies. Some were disgusted by such animals and said it was bestiality and a freak show. And some animal men even had multiple sexes with new sex organs, and it was all very perverted.


      And one writer, she wrote about designer children who were designed to have personalities that honored their parents and would do the same job as their parents. And be a chip off the old block. Such people wanted to recreate their ancestors through cloning, though subtly altered, and be one big happy family. Many families had their own businesses including services and android manufacturing.  After 2030, it was customary to have one’s relatives’ DNA online for possible cloning in the future.                                    


   Another wrote “Fuel of the Soul,” about how people coexisted with a hologram soul of themselves. A kind of dual personality. The hologram part of one was typically more spiritual and less of a pleasure seeker than the original. Of course, holograms though got a lot of pleasure from soul sex but had no drugs of pleasure, which most humans overindulged in. But both types of entities basically lived for pleasure. Naturally, some humans renounced pleasure-seeking, however such people got pleasure from whatever they did, even if they were masochists. There was no Hell nor Heaven per se, but some Worlds were nicer than others and some people and/or their holograms were miserable, but the overwhelming majority were very satisfied.


      Then there was a writer who wrote “Boris’ World.” It was about a man who turned all of Russia into La La Land, that is to say that no one here paid any attention to the outside World news and lived in a bubble. The level of technology was 1970 and most people were stoned and drunk all of the time. And just lived for love. There were 100,000 hypothetical people here and the love flowed. Some outsiders said such a World was not sustainable or even possible. But this writer she said that 1970 was the peak of human culture and the people of this World would live in bliss. And many wanted to join such a World and it became true on Planet Y in the Barnard’s System in a World of breathable air and lovely climate. They shared the Planet with other atavistic cultures like the Han Dynasty from China and the Gupta Dynasty from India and Classical Greece and the Roman Empire and the Renaissance and so on. It would be like a trip back in time and many tourists would like to experience such a World.


      Also, there was a writer who made a future World in which everyone would be dressed in fantastic clothes and be philosophers of varying kinds. They would communicate only with MRT (Mind Reading Technology) and would all have totally open minds and be very clever. And AI would be banned completely. But this World would have new weapons for defense they had designed and would be invulnerable. And would live in peace. It would be like living in a futuristic Plato’s Republic in which everyone was engaged in dialectic. For them the truth would be multiform and there would be altered states of mind and alternative Worlds for the varying philosophies. Colonies within colonies.


    Another writer wrote, “The History of the Geopolitical Meltdown of the Early 22nd century,” in which all nation states became divided into sovereign city states. Of course, it was a very controversial change for humanity, but most thinkers said it was the best possible government. And every city state belonged to the UW (United Worlds) which was full of checks and balances and was the only military in all human Worlds. And kept the peace. Nearly all city states now had democratic governments. And the UW was pressuring the remaining dictators to abdicate. And even assassinated some of those tyrants. Everyone was pleased to see these dictators go away. And this historian was of the opinion that there should be an elite class set up, composed of the best people and these people would rule as one. But many people were wary of such an elite, saying it would be better to be ruled by ordinary people, it was safer that way. However, most people wanted to be ruled by the cleverest, most imaginative people. And such imaginative people had quite a large following, some were writers or poets or musicians or scientists or maverick tycoons or even kind clever people. And the writer of this history said, we now lived in an unprecedented Utopia.


      Then there was a writer who wrote “In Praise of the Common Human.” The book stated that common humans were the future and AI had no place in the times to come. Everyone would be fully employed, mostly in the service sector. And commoners would dominate politics and would be the vast majority of the consumers. Pop art and pop culture would dominate society, she wrote, and clever people would make good pop art, music etc. And ordinary people could get rich if they really wanted to. The future would be a Paradise.


      Another writer wrote, “Homo Machina,” about a near future colony of androids only on Moon Titan. These androids had no use for humanity and spent time building Spaceships of brilliant design and making love to one another as well as breeding in droves, creating brand new androids and launching them into deep Space. They could be simply shut off en route, so could go on very long voyages. And they tried to avoid human settled Systems and vice versa. When the two species did interact, it was mostly hostile. Many people figured this book’s predictions were realistic and that androids were now completely out of control. And people thought that the machines wanted to replace humanity altogether.


     Also, there was a writer who wrote about a future city on Earth which was completely full of idiots. Other humans avoided them, and their city was in ice-cold Antarctica. So, no other people were interested in living there or taking control of their insignificant territory. And so, they lived on. And they elected the “most ordinary man,” to be their leader. This man was actually one of their dumbest, but the others thought they could control him, and it was so. And they didn’t have any AI here, which many outsiders, thought was wise. So most worked in factories, churning out consumer goods. These people valued material things, and most were drinkers and stoners and they all enjoyed sex and had babies the natural way. Some of them wanted to travel to other cities, but they couldn’t pass IQ tests to get a visa. So finally, a clever woman came here and took power and turned all the men and women into her sex slaves. But they were allowed to continue working in the factories. And could still love one another, along with their leader, who most people here looked up to. It didn’t take much to impress these morons here. And their leader was power-crazed.


     Then there was a writer who wrote a true history called “A Blaze of Glory,” about noble rebels in dictator-ruled South China who died fighting the government in a guerilla war. It was a brutal war with hand-to-hand fighting in the streets and underground. This author, she said, “The UW (United Worlds) should get involved more and give more support to the rebels,” but the UW President said, “Some people elsewhere had no food or lodging and they were its #1 priority.” But this book pressured the UW to give more aid to the rebels.


     And this same writer of “A Blaze of Glory” wrote, “New Rotterdam,” about a Dutch colony on Mars. The colony was known for its liberal laws and attractive people who all supported their leader who was a philosopher Queen who tried to turn every citizen into a creative thinker. She used MRT, hypnosis, synergy and inspirational people to help sharpen one’s wit. To come there, one needed to be extremely clever and many of Holland’s and indeed all Earth’s best people came here. Some even said here was the brain trust of humanity. And many great scientists came here and developed ultra-new defenses like being able to vaporize enemy ships and missiles.


     This same writer wrote “Absolute Zero” about life on an asteroid way beyond the sun. Ice Colony Zero was a battleground between holograms and humans. The humans, could vaporize holograms and vice versa. And both species lived deep underground where they were relatively safe. If anything, the holograms loved life more than humans. And so, this war was fought in the tunnels. Many people thought war between machines and humans was inevitable in many places. And thought such places were Hellish.


     Another writer wrote about hypothetical Waterloo Heroes where King Gord of Western America was defeated and was the last totalitarian dictator in all humanity in modern history. Everyone was to continue with their schooling and were instructed Kings/Queens were the worst thing that could happen to humanity, period. And if such a tyrant appeared, everyone had to fight them.


     This same writer wrote, about how we are all like a goldfish in a bowl, bored to death but trying our best to be pretty things, and mostly we were all alone in this World and going nowhere fast. Many readers said this book was disturbing.


     A different writer authored, “Nights of the Eagles.” It was about some clever people of the future. who hated the night. They hated parties and fun and just wanted to work all day and much of the night. Of course, it was kind of hard-to-find work that androids weren’t already doing. But these eagles found “useful work” mostly as psychiatrists, believing modern life was insane and they had to do their part to try make the Worlds saner. Of course, there were very analytical psychiatrist androids in abundance but there were some who would rather be analyzed by a human… And some of these eagles wanted to run for political positions, but most people thought they were party poopers and none of them were elected. People of the future would just live for love and fun, almost everyone thought so.


     There was another writer who wrote, “Going Blind,” about civilization losing its way and spiraling out of control. It was a story of future anarchy and nuclear war aftermath in which slave lords roamed and the circus lords and looters also. And mad android renegades. Nearly all the androids had been killed by a computer virus. And the slaves created goods like weapons and fixed up old air cars. Circus lords meanwhile sought out freaks for their grotesquerie traveling shows and looters and pillagers roamed. Most people lived in a tribe for self-protection. The

tribes traveled in air cars and were often shot down by other tribes who then pillaged the air wreck and enslaved the survivors. And some slave lords had their slaves work in gold mines. Gold could buy anything, and the slave lords bought weapons and more slaves with the gold. And they used their slaves to fight in battles. The vanquished army survivors were incorporated into their slave army. And at this time, some armies were in the thousands. But smaller armies formed alliances and engaged in catastrophic wars. It looked like everyone would die sooner rather than later. It was the end of the World.


     Also, a different writer who wrote “The Wisdom of Mirave Heart,” about a series of modern- day maxims as food for thought. Like, “The early bird gets slaughtered.” And “Money is thicker than relatives.” And “Knock on the door of the God of Imagination.” Also, “No one is a brick in the wall. The wall doesn’t exist. All that exists is freedom for all.” And “I am food for thought with my imagination which wishes for a future run by creative types.” In addition, “Kill hundreds of bad birds with one decree.” And “Do unto others imaginatively,” and “We’ll cross the bridge and surprise our opponents.” Also, “A perfect storm is good, inclement weather is full of electricity and power.” And “Speak of the Devil, the Devil needs you to support his cause of anarchy.” Also “Once in a blue Moon on Triton, people would be totally free forever.” And so on.


     Another writer authored, “The New Elite,” about how the cleverest built nuclear bunkers, and stocked them with the eggs and sperm of other clever, kind people. And after the wars, this DNA was used to rebuild civilization, kinder and cleverer than before. It was a fresh start for humanity. And they built huge lab factories and produced millions of geniuses per year. Born as    adults with memories of the survivors. And the new, kind geniuses all said there would never be another war.


     And the same writer wrote about taking the most imaginative people and using them to write university curricula for all the people, figuring everyone was a potential genius. This was another way to make everyone clever.


     And that writer, also wrote about Superhuman Gods created in the lab and these Gods would be worthy of almost everyone’s love and respect. And the Gods would keep improving and would usher in the future. Eventually making everyone into a God.


     Then there was a writer who wrote about a Dystopia of a World run by evil people who abused and murdered the population. They killed about 10% of the people each year but produced countless millions of new evil people. And they cloned evil people of the past like Hitler and Stalin. And they all praised the Devil and made all the people worship Satan. And they had a man who they claimed was the Devil incarnate. He was lawful evil in terms of alignment. But a rival Devil was chaotic evil. Nice people were killed off and almost everyone believed nice people were morons.


     Another writer wrote, “Black Fashion,” about a future in which everyone wore black, sexy clothes. And architecture and air cars were all painted black. And the people were all given nightmares to experience while waking and sleeping. It was Worlds of horror.


    Then another writer who wrote, “Island on Europa,” about an island floating and moving on Europa’s Ocean. The island was an Utopia in which everyone dreamed with the freaks in the ocean, dreaming happy, but alien dreams. The freaks were a number of different species and communicated by mind reading. And the dreamers tapped into their minds. They dreamed of imaginative living in strange, new minds which were grouped in small groups throughout the ocean. All the dreamers had their favorite groups. Some groups made fancy, weird growths on the sea floor and some made incredible cities, also on the sea floor. And the aliens dreamt of play scripts and acted them out. These plays were really weird, but the dreamers loved them. The freak leaders were considered cleverer than the island dreamers who had passive lives.


     And there was a writer who authored, “No Creative Vision for the Future,” which was about how human civilization developed haphazardly without a plan. This writer said, “The plan should be to develop an imaginative society in which everyone was free and good. And those who were not good should have their brain operated on and no one should seek to be a tyrant nor interfere with another’s freedom.” Many were against forcing people to undergo brain surgery, but this writer had the support of the majority.         


      Another writer authored a novel about a World in which total automation made everyone rich and gave everyone total free time and she said it would be Paradise. As it was today everyone worked 22 hours a week and could seldom retire as they had eternal youth. The vast majority didn’t want to have any work to do. People wanted sex, fun and parties and drugs and hobbies like their own hologram Worlds or building an android harem. Most people thought this was a good future.


     And the same writer wrote of a pink World with strange sentient organic growths who could all mind read. This World was conscious as the sum of all minds here. In the novel, a stranger comes to this World and feels complete and one with the whole. And no one ate living things, but rather lived mostly on stem cell meat. And engaged in large orgies. And everyone agreed it was pure bliss.


     A different author wrote “Dry Spell,” about a World of no drugs and not much art. It was voted the most boring World in a hypothetical future. And the colony had difficulty attracting new immigrants. They offered free Space fare, free condos and a monthly stipend, so some impoverished people came here. And no one was interested in taking over this miserable colony, so they survived on and on.


     That same writer wrote “Natural Kids,” about raising children the old-fashioned way and how this kept the parents busy. It was good to spend time with one’s offspring she wrote and raise them in a sane way. These days so many people born as adults, had mental problems. And future hypothetical studies showed a natural childhood led to saner people. This novel was very influential and five years after its release, 10% of births were now natural, up from 1%. It was the year 2025.


     Another writer wrote that he was a man of clay and was a man of our times and had been molded into a computer scientist. He didn’t really enjoy his job nor his life and figured he was a victim of modern- day occupational disease. Polls revealed that 85% of the populous, was unhappy with their life. Civilization was simmering with discontent. Finally, a philosopher Queen, was elected leader. And she asked people what they wanted. Most wanted access to new blissful drugs and wanted to live in bliss. They were all tired of struggling for no good reason and didn’t want to work. And so, the Queen gave them what they wanted and soon 80% were content. So, the human race turned into a race of lotus eaters and there was no reality, just people out of it on drugs. For those who weren’t happy with blissful living, they went to Space and set up colonies in which everyone worked and took stimulants and had plenty of sex and were content. And these people figured they were the future of humankind and reproduced exponentially. Whereas back on Earth very few people had children and had eternal youth, but they were slowly all dying out due to suicides.


      Then there was a writer who wrote pop scripts which appealed to everyone. Romantic comedies, mostly. And just plain comedies like Monty Python and SCTV of the 1970s. Of course, the 1970s built on the synergy of the love, drugs and art of the late 1960s. And this virtuoso writer was certainly inspired and lived together with other authors in a type of

communal living. And she was very witty and could make a joke about anything. And she appeared on live TV shows as host. She often said, “Life is a great joke, and we should enjoy it. Live for the day,” she would say. But some critics said we lived in serious times in which Armageddon looms, and we all had to be vigilant. However, most people felt helpless to do anything. Tyrants seemed to be seizing power often in democratic countries and now dictators controlled 65% of the population on Earth and 50% in Space. West Central Europe was the main democratic center.


      Another writer wrote of future quick sex, which would be just 2 minutes long and everyone was on sex enhancers and skin revitalization drugs and would have intense sex periods lasting for hours and hours. And most people could see that this was the future and the would-be spice of life.


     But another writer wrote that future love would be to find soul mates Online and love them for a week and if they really liked a lover, they would bring them back for encores at later dates. And this writer, she said, “Many great love stories would be written in the future. Especially the tales of famous people.”


      Another writer wrote people would all love people randomly and everyone would be attractive from plastic surgery, genetic therapy and eternal youth. They would consider all love to be good. And would enjoy seducing lovers as much as loving them. They would have their brains designed to really enjoy seduction.


     Still another writer said, true love would be difficult to find, and when one found true love they would ride it as long as they could. But she too wrote that true love didn’t last long.


     Also, there was a writer who said, “Marriage would survive into the future and most people would get married and an average marriage would last for about five years, but divorce would be quick and easy. And people would have children the old-fashioned way,” according to her. Many marriages would last until the children reached 16, at which age they would be considered adults.


      And then there was a writer who said, “People are addicted to sex, and they should go on hermitage retreats and reduce their dependence on sex. Having an advanced philosophy is more important than having thousands of love affairs,” he wrote.


     Another writer wrote the sexiest people should all be cloned thousands of times each so that they were available to everyone. The sexiest people though would all have a patented look, so could not be copied by anyone they didn’t approve of. And each clone would acquire their own experiences and memories and would share great memories with one another.


     Love, another author figured would be different for everyone. And all love affairs would be unique. Most people agreed with her that love in the future would be multi-form.


      And a very prominent writer wrote people would mostly love androids. And men and women would lose their use for one another.


    And one writer wrote that the most important thing for future people would of course be money which could literally buy everything including android lovers and trips to deep Space elite colonies. And she said, the richest people would be in Space, where all the opportunity was. And many scientists and artists would be attracted to come to Space by the synergy there.


    One writer and her true love who was also a writer co-wrote, “Icarus,” about flying into the sun and balancing the heat against itself. And living in suns, with unlimited power and energy.


     And there were countless thousands of writers, these days, here. Everyone seemed to have something to say.

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