‘Reverie Redux’ and other poems
By Bruce Levine
Reverie Redux
Fluorescent lighting
Hovering overhead
Transient groups
Outlining intervals
Of time in a tube
Multiscopic vision
Projecting data
To artificial intelligence
Cognitive memory
Enhancing realms
Infused with dogma
Telepathy based society
Filled with sensory channels
Telekinesis employed
To physical systems
Obviating interaction
Memory reassigned
To expressions
Relevance refuted
By simple equations
Distillation of thought
Portrayed by a single vowel
Plans yet unfulfilled
Focused on the days ahead
Moving toward the goal
Counting down the days
Holidays and festivals
Fanfares and parades
Contemplating time
Forecasting reality
Enigmas explained
Golden sun rising
Filling the day with warm light
Clouds in pale blue skies
New grown light green leaves
Birds calling to each other
Nature’s happy time
Summer just arrived
It came without a warning
Hot and sunny days