$9 Billion Dollar Virgin
By: Tom Ball
I, Mike, said to Tina, “Many men have tried to win your love, yet you remain a virgin.” She said, “I’ve decided to sell my virginity to the highest bidder. I am the most famous virgin in all creation and have written some best-sellers.” I asked her, “What will you do with the money?” She said finance my books to become great movies and live in a palace in New York City. And I will pay for my true love to come and live with me.” I said, “But you know nothing about living with a man and I figure you have never really loved anyone. You are in love with yourself. But I don’t blame you, you are so attractive and charming.”
Anyway, she sold her virginity and a one-month romance for 9 billion dollars! Afterwards, I approached her again and she seemed like she was inspired, bubbly and bouncy. And she said her first romance was over but now she’d like to love me. So, I obliged her, and she was a hellion in bed. I was kind of surprised. But it was good loving.
And she told me, “I love sex so much, I want to become a very high-class call-girl and write about my adventures.” I said, “Let’s you and I write about our own affair. I am totally besotted with you!” So, we had some conversations, like about what our philosophy was. She opined, “I believe in time. People today are all in such a rush, that they miss a lot of life’s lust. We all have eternal youth and should enjoy the time we have now. Too many people live in fast forward and are not balanced.” I replied, “But I live for the future and can hardly wait for tomorrow. I look forward to improving my mind with genetic therapy and brain apps and want to love clever men and have clever friends.” She said, “You don’t need to be a Superhuman to figure out what this Universe is about. I think you should live for noble deeds of kindness and charity, and you are a lawyer and so should fight for the destitute and poor.” I said, “But my dream is to be a lawmaker and make great plans for the future. Like build some colonies of sexual geniuses, filled with people like you!”
She remarked, “I wonder if I could really be a sexual genius? I think I need more experience.” I commented, “Trust me, you are one of the best. I have a lot of experience loving famous women.”
And I said, “Tell me about what kind children you would like? She said, “I care most about having great partners to make great children in the lab. I’d like a variety of clever children. These days of designer babies allow us to select what kind of children we will have, and I’d like them to have similar personalities to me.”
And I asked her, “How could I be better in your eyes?” She told me, “You seem quite passionate, but why not become more so?” I said, “I could take some new experimental drugs of passion.” And I said, “I am totally fascinated with you, as you are.” She said, “Living with you bestows such a strong feeling of calmness in me.”
I opined, “We need to find some issues on which we disagree, if we are to truly make a passionate film. She said, “You want to improve your mind faster than I do. That’s a bone of contention. Also, you want to have children with numerous women. That’s another sticking point. And you just plain have had too many lovers.” I replied,” Life is not perfect, and neither would be our film.”
And I said, “But regarding mind improvement, everyone should go at their own pace, I guess. But I myself want to know everything.” She said, “In other words, you are greedy for brain apps. And knowing all there is to know will probably only lead to suicide and certainly won’t help you with your existentialist crisis.” I told her, “I beg to differ.”
And I commented, “Regarding children with numerous women is good for the gene pool. You and I wouldn’t want to have thousands of children just between ourselves (born in the lab fully grown of course).” She asked, “I suppose you’re right, but you don’t plan on teaching these new children?” I said, “I will teach a university course for my kids in which I share my life lessons.”
And I mentioned, “Regarding having a lot of lovers, there are no longer any sex diseases, it is free love more and more. Experience leads to perfection.”
She said, “I feel like I’m in the clouds dreaming with you! Tell me about your dreams?” I answered her, “I dream of being President one day and force everyone to spend a lot of time consciously dreaming with new stimulating brain apparatuses. People will take their best dreams and try and market them.” And I added, “I dream of a World in which everyone is part of the complete whole, yet each have their own philosophy. And everyone would have a minimum IQ of 150, and everyone had genetic therapy to continue to improve their minds… And what about you?” She said, “I am still quite young, but I dream of imaginative porn. Porn which graphically depicts a young woman’s coming of age sexually and you are one of my many lovers…” And she said, “The orgies will be carefully choreographed, and everyone will have a philosophy about love, like all love is good, and sex with strangers is liberating, and anyone can become a sex symbol through buying a patented face, and also true love builds colonies in Space. Another philosophy was true love affairs always end badly. And some said future love will be selfish and cruel.”
She added, “And some women are advertised to be foul temptresses who lead men to ruin and are future sex symbols who should have sex all day long. And ordinary people will give oral sex to the elite, whom they worship…”
And I asked her, “How are you spending your $9 billion dollars? She said, “I’m going to invest it all in movie making. I plan to be the Queen of sex…And inspire everyone to have more sex. And Harlequin Romances of old were said to just have 12 basic plots. I plan to make each one different and original. Like I dream about a group of 50 people in Space who are all soul mates and get along very well with one another and the sex flows. Another Space dream is about a couple that are voyaging to distant Betelgeuse but get along well with one another and don’t suffer any cabin fever. Also, I dream of a future colony in another Star System, in which a Superwoman leads the colony, and everyone is in love with her. And still another dream depicts, “The Prettiest girls in the World,” which features a brothel with the Earth’s prettiest girls, and some men spend all of their time and money here. And the brothel holds splendid parties…
And she opined, “I also dream of 3-D hologram sex, which is illegal officially, but the law is not enforced. And I dream of android lovers, which are also illegal and hide in the underground, but I would like to rendezvous with them.”
I said, “I have a recurring night dream in which I keep using MRT (Mind Reading Technology) to try and figure you out, but you keep surprizing me!” She asked, “Does everyone ever know a person well enough to predict their behavior? Especially amongst the elite…”
And I told her, “I dream also of loving clones of dead famous women. Such women are mostly great thinkers and are inspirational. And some of them already exist. Like I loved Cleopatra, and the Queen of Sheba and Hatshepsut and the Chinese Tang Dynasty female Emperor and Catherine the Great and many others. And they were enlightening loves and spoke with great eloquence. And I dreamed of loving modern day women of power…”
And she told me, “I don’t have much experience now, but I would like to love Kings and Presidents.” I said, “That’s fine. I can’t control your behaviour. Live life to the full!”
And I told her, “I dreamed of having a twin to confer with and keep me company.” She said, “I would like to have hundreds of clones and enjoy life partly vicariously from them. Life is too big for one to experience it all with just one person…”
And I remarked, “I dreamed of a World in which an Empress changed all the people into animal men to amuse her. And she had kinky sex with them and dominated them. We are all beasts inside.”
And she said, “I dream also of kinky sex with multi-sexual people. Such people are just the beginning of deviant future people who look different from us. The human soul can take many forms.”
I remarked, “I also dreamed of changing into a woman. I think it would be kinky and would love lesbians as well as straight men.” She asked, “Really?” I said, “We are all in a Yin Yang reality. And anything goes these days.”
She added, “I also dream of a New Age, in which everyone is good and sane…” I said, “Maybe one day that will happen. They are making new drugs that have some success with curing mental illness and most democratic leaders are very calm and sane.”
And she said, “I’m going to raise money, by auctioning off my love again. Two billion dollars to love me for a week. I know clever men think I’m hot!” And so, she did it and got $2.3 billion…
Afterwards I met up with her and asked, “How it had gone?” She responded, “I think I am in love with that man, and plan to see him again. And he’s offered to take me to Mars and his mansion there. And he says he will introduce several of his buddies to me, the new high-class call girl.” I said, “It seems a little strange for you to remain a virgin until you were 25 and then suddenly become a prostitute! It seems crazy.” She exclaimed, “It’s a crazy world.”
So, she sold herself to rich magnates. And she made time for me once a week. And she was also busy with her latest “love movies,” which were all fictionalized true stories. Her fans enjoyed guessing what was true and what she’d made up. Like a story, “Jilted Lover,” which featured a jealous lover who tried to kill her, Tina. And she was locked in a room by this jilted lover of his. But she was hooked up with MRT to him and he came and saved her. Another movie was “Drug Bonanza” about a magnate who was living on the edge and insisted they take dangerous drugs of pleasure and she felt herself slipping away into unconsciousness and immediately pressed the button on her wrist chain to summon paramedics and so, was saved. He too, was saved but died of an overdose a few days later. She complained to the man who had paid a couple billion for her love, that this man was a suicidal maniac.
Another movie, “Superman,” featured a very tall man who was very well-endowed and was a professional basketball player. He wanted Tina to love him along with his “wife,” who was bisexual, and he liked reading Nietzsche to her and asked her about Superhumans. Tina told him she was rich and was planning on becoming a Super genius, and she told him he had the perfect face and body and skin and represented a good model for a Superbeing.
In addition, she made a flick, “Lunatic,” about a brief affair on the Moon with a man who was extremely hairy and howled while they made love. And they went outside into the Lunar air while the sun was directly overhead and made love nude with just a bubble helmet. And they could talk with one another with microphones and speakers, and he howled in ecstasy. And Tina told the viewers he was a sasquatch, which interested many superstitious people.
Then there was her affair with the President of the Americas, who like most men of our time was single. He gave Tina the VIP treatment and was a true gentleman. He told her, “That I figure tyrants are on the way out, now that China had finally become a democracy. And he was so ecstatic about China that he was consumed by zest for life, and Tina was included in his euphoria. And he asked her if she had any ideas for the future of the Americas? She told him, “I want to run for President of a new politic, the United Worlds (UW) and bring peace and stability to all and send troops to those countries still ruled by tyrants. And she wanted him to introduce her to other World leaders. So, she met a lot of men of power and made numerous movies about them.
And she wanted to make a movie with me about “Men of Power.” She said, “All leaders have a big ego and are corrupted by power, and all want more power and they all have a big sex drive and many wanted to have children with me. And most of them were pragmatic and some were idealistic, and they all seemed to think I was the prettiest woman alive and shared their secrets with me using MRT. But MRT was widespread now and no one had any secrets anymore.” But in the tell-all movie, she revealed the faults of the varying leaders as well as what she thought were their strengths. And the tabloids gossiped about World leaders, and it was hard to know what the truth was.
And in time, Tina and I moved to Mars where things were really happening and continued to make movies. By the time we got to Mars, it was the year 2119 A.D.