O Angel! My Angel!
By Tabussum Sumaiya
“Knock Knock!” Who’s there?
“Angel I am, Devil’s too here!”
Why is Devil always thy near?
“Nothin’ I, exist in His solemn prayer!”
O Angel! O Angel!
You turning into That?
This shrewd bosom buddy
A sweet hypocrite brat!
O Angel! My Angel!
Don’t torment me,
Don’t be that One
I am afraid to see!
“What could be much antique?
This bond is so rare,
What is the Angel except its Dear?”
O Angel! Guardian Angel!
Don’t be my dread,
Be my joy, not tears I shed!
Stay not now by the Devil’s side,
Come back home, you always reside.
The poet is a Lecturer of English at Northern University Bangladesh.