What you need to hear
By: Debbie Tunstall
This is my story to tell.
You do not get to choose the words
that everyone needs to read.
They are for me, and for others.
If I get cut
you do not get to choose how I bleed,
If it trickles
or heals.
While you try to hush the gentleness
of this world
I’ll be here,
to all that are still bleeding.
Debbie Tunstall is a writer from Merseyside, United Kingdom. She has recently discovered writing and has finally found her sense of balance in life. Her hobbies include, reading and writing, inspiring others and a general interest in bettering others and her own mental health.
She enjoys writing about moments that are uplifting even if they’re unseen in the present, finally being able to see glimpses of photosynthesis beneath the dullness of life.
Stanza 2 goes beyond what i just read there (How life treats me [If i get Cut], you cannot determine the outcome [You do not get to choose how i bleed]). i love this poem