Not my Papa – an ode by Skittles
By Carl Papa Palmer
Folks getting ready to go I’m sad
I see my carrier I’m happy
I go too good or not so good
depends on where we’re going
Papa’s house or the vet
when my door opens I’m happy
Papa’s house good not the vet
I know my way find my usual spot
sniff pee follow my folks inside
find Grandma she gives me a treat
I like Grandma she’s my Grandma
and I’m her doggie
Papa’s always glad to see my folks
shows no notice of me no welcome
calls me a caterpillar dog Grrr!
if he ever tries to pick me up
I just might bite him but he never has
I don’t like Papa he’s not my Papa
and I’m not his doggie
My folks leave without me sometimes
I stay by Grandma I like Grandma
she talks to me she’s my Grandma
gives me treats not wished by my folks
but I won’t tell I think they know anyway
Papa always takes me outside
lets me go beyond the hedge no leash
allows me to wander explore alone
new places to pee walk in the street
Papa’s watching acts like he’s not
but I know he is I like that
still he’s not my Papa
and I’m not his doggie
I like Papa’s deck especially the stairs
go up come down act like I’ll jump
Papa’s not alarmed not like my folks
he looks up I move back
he lets me be a puppy
not the old dog like my folks say I am
they say Papa’s an old dog too
tell him to slow down be careful
ask for help but sometimes
Papa acts like he’s a puppy too
I didn’t realize until lately
Papa’s a really good back scratcher
when I’m near no one around
I look up at him his hand comes down
fingers find my itch
I go to him now more often
I like him better than before
seems he likes me better too
folks say we’re mellowing
but still I’m not his doggie
and he’s still not my Papa
At night tired from our day
back inside Papa puts a cushion
on the floor by the couch
so I can hop up on my own
no lift needed as if he would
he never has even if I’d let him
Once up I keep my distance
he ignores me I move closer slowly
lie by his leg snuggle in get comfy
feel his fingers find my itch
When Grandma comes in I hop down
act like I wasn’t on the couch with Papa
I don’t want her to think I like him
can’t jeopardize those treats
Though now starting to get along
Papa and I together the two of us
I’m still not his doggie and he’s still
not my Papa but someday maybe
he’ll become my Papa and maybe then
I will become my Papa’s doggie, too.