Literary Yard

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Posts by: admin

The Real War Heroes

By William T. Hathaway From the book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War “That must be them.” Petra took one hand off the steering wheel and pointed to a group of soldiers about two hundred meters away, standing along our road…

The Road Less Traveled

By: Raymond Greiner Travel and roads are synonymous lending credence to the popular philosophical phrase “Life is a journey not a destination.” Contemplating travel and roads metaphorically stirs a range of thoughts. The Universe exhibits infinite molecular diversity in a…

Conflict in Achebe’s Arrow of God

By: Sai Diwan   Take care then, mother’s son, lest you become a dancer disinherited in mid dance Chinua Achebe (Beware, Soul Brother)   These lucid lines provide the justification for the cacophony of various intertwined conflicts in Chinua Achebe’s Arrow…

Story: Newly Retired

By: Fred Miller Like kelp in a gentle neap tide wave, his hair floated about, his head bobbing as if engaged in a silly Halloween game. His outstretched arms looked prepared to receive unseen friends from the depths below. No…

Poem: Me and You

  By: Bamgbose Gabriel  In your fears And tears I share When you ache I break When you are grieved I am bereaved I bear your curse And your shame – My cross of crucifixion – Because you are the…

Tonepoem: “Two Strikes you’re out!”

By: Vilhotti The Greek gods and some lesser ones known as Chicanery, Gotcha, Adam Smith’s hand up your ass, Morta Fama and Doom sat watching this game they had encountered many many years before; seeing the likes of the great…

Poem: The Glow After Afterglow

By: Fredrik M Zander Yesterday’s saturation’s all a memory now, And the promise of this shining day Seems to have left me jaded for a moment Before I took my eyes where I put them, In compelling grass, Outside the…

Story: Softly Come Her Steps

By: Khanh Ha 1 The letter said, “Madame Thị Lan is very ill. Be kindly advised of our necessary action to be taken for gravely ill residents. This will be the only correspondence from this office to our resident’s family…

Poem: Hansel And Greta

By: G David Schwartz I live in Cincinnata I have all my life Mostly anyway And now here with my lovely wife She is a handsome woman Except when she calls me Hansel. Hansel! That just ought not be I…

Poem: I Just Sit Here Thinking

By: G David Schwartz I just sit here thinking Why are there so many bees and why is there snow And where are my keys I do sit here and think It is difficult to blink Or break glasses when…