Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Story: Long Standing Career

By: Sri Ram Subsequently, I was asked to take up the Relationship Manager post for this profile and handle it. I complained that this would be a tough one to begin with but they reminded me of the many statements…

A John Ramm Monologue

By: JD DeHart I first found myself in the wood, nestled in dew and fog, where no one would pry and find me slumping. Life was rather perfect then. I occasionally had to use my horns to shoo some intruder…

Story: Butterfly

By: Tom Ray Ed Churchwell met Thuy at a promotion party at the officers club at Tan Son Nhat Air Force Base on the outskirts of Saigon. A couple of his colleagues at Combat Evaluation Center Echo (CECE, pronounced “See…

Story: Long standing Career

By: Shri Ram I should say that, nothing changed over a period of time. But, the way I looked at things, certainly have changed and that made all the difference. I was to take up a new profile. It was…

Story: Intro

By: Sri Ram I remember, once I read from a book. The bonding between two bodies at the center is tighter than the ones at any other part. The moment I saw her in the bus, for the first time, I…

Story: To Have And To Hold

By: Phil Temples “Harry, we’ve been dating now for—what? Four months? I don’t mean to sound pushy, but don’t you think it’s time that we take it to the next level?” “Huh?” “You know, don’t you want a soul mate?…

Story: Cowboy Loves Lily Sue

By: Cathy S. Ulrich Cowboy’s got murder on his mind. It swims round in there like a little fish. He’s been like that since birth, says his momma. Born that way. Looked up at me with those mean little eyes, and…

Story: Acceptance

By: Michael C. Keith We live in a rainbow of chaos. –– Paul Cezanne My girlfriend and me rented a tiny bungalow at the end of the boardwalk in Atlantic City next to a rundown ten-story tenement. The outside of…

Story: Jack

By: Ruth Z Deming I planned my getaway from my husband as carefully as a bank robber planning a heist. I was used to lying to Jack, my husband of twenty years, so when I said, “Let’s take separate cars to…

Story: The Players

By: David Jordan  He sat at the bar nursing his second pint of stout, feeling boozy and depressed. He didn’t feel like drinking. He felt like walking. Outside would be nice and cold. So he got up off his stool and…