Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Crazy Loves

By: Tom Ball   I still remember my first love well. It ended when she said if I didn’t promise to love her forever, she would jump off the tower. I walked away and when I got down to ground level, her…

hand holding flowers shadow

A Piece of Chalk

By: Harrison Abbott Apparently my uncle had had another of his suicidal drinking bouts and he needed help sobering up. I drove over to his house. And found him walking along the road, raging at the planet like a maniac….

A Life’s Road Less Traveled

By: Linda Barrett I. “Dudley’s Stella. I know what you’re talking about,” The e-mail read. Mirabella Reid gazed at it, sitting back in her office chair. Only eight words. Her boss walked past her with a sidelong glance. “Are you…

man carrying baby drawing their foreheads

Sins of the Father

By John Paul Lama A life for a life. Rex Solomon Alacran and Alicia Sylvia Pastoral Alacran were twenty-eight year old newlyweds. But love was not why they were driving to Rex’s hometown in Nagcarlan, Laguna, that fateful night. It…


By: Don Tassone Bill Frazier was always drawn to news.  By the time he was eight, he was reading his parents’ newspaper, the World-Herald, all the way through.  It was the first thing he did when he got home from…

woman in a blue dress in a kitchen with gray wooden cabinets

The Day of Curried Fish

By: KJ Hannah Greenberg Zindzi peeled, washed, and then diced four onions. She added them to a pan. Thereafter, she washed and diced three tomatoes and added those vegetables, too. As they stewed, she checked, washed, and diced generous handfuls…


The Pack

By Daniel Pratt Part One Alpha’s nose quivered as the acrid scent of disease in his prey rushed to greet him.  He hesitated a moment before signaling to the rest of the pack that the old doe was to be…

tropical tress near road and body of water during golden hour

The Competition

By: Georgios Karagiannis Steve and his brother Bill walked down the narrow dirt road, towards the river. It was still dark outside and cold, but they didn’t mind. They snuck out right before dawn, while dad was snoring on the…

view of the bay through a hole in a stone wall

The Gap Year

By: Karlie Taylor On the night before I graduated from college, I could not sleep because I was thinking about Jesus, not in the deep, philosophical kind of way, but the human kind of way. See, I’ve got this picture…

ashtray with an alien toy inside

The Residential Aliens

By: Tom Ball People told me I was an alien and not from Earth. Until recently humans didn’t use most of their brain. But, us aliens, helped humans to utilize their whole brain and made even ordinary people into geniuses….