Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Poem: Three kinds of insects

By: Pawel Markiewicz mysterious mystic mythical merry-ladybug you are melancholy like little wolf loving Little Red Riding Hood in the pond of the muses feelings You are a lily of eternity which can smell very cute gorgeous gentle genial grasshopper You…

Poem: traveling on the angel wing

By: Amirah Al- Wassif traveling on the right wing of an angeltake me away, away to my first dancedragging ourselves through the fancy castleshakes me today, today as it is my chanceoh! how far our starry nightoh! what a rare any…

Poem: Empty

By: Joe Barca There’s a certain heartbreak in clothesthat lay folded too neatly, in a wardrobethat’s missing an owner, in a ghost thatinhabits a closet. He lives in a home that is wounded. The floorboards are quietly weeping. He is half…

Poem: Tool

By: Joe Hefta Lately I’ve been keepingTo myself, broodingDown in the basementDown in the workshopLooking over my tools andWondering, worrying whatWould you do with this or that.With suspicion. The awlBecomes a cause for concern.The tape measure has alwaysBeen threateningIf you had…

‘In/Retrograde’ and other poems by Sarah Lao

By: Sarah Lao In/Retrograde Say it is night, and outside, there is a man lying dead under the streetlamp. Skin tight jaundice stretched over tissue/socket/bonelike the dried pulp of paper-mache, there’s hyacinth blooming from skull—an expired milk carton evaporating to…

‘Walking Alongside My Pen’ and other poems by Linda Imbler

By: Linda Imbler Walking Alongside My Pen Blue inked penMy favorite tool.I, writing thoughts with coolmeanings unlocked,senseless garbling overruled.Mood on the upswing,old versions slipshod,new directions taken,my final declaration.Best grammar roped in,bad syntax shakenwords skip down the sidewalkbypassing all mind blocks.Maybe…

Sunset on the beach

By: Sunil Sharma The sunset on a clean beach is a haunting poem.  Dad said once. I could not understand then. Now, I do. Indeed. Such a sunset is sublime…like poetry. The lines flow. The colours, vivid, fuse. Energetic. It is…