Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Poem: when karma kicks you

By: Linda M. Crate lost in the music and magic of the land i buried my face in your musk, and you smirked like a wolf; i never let it bother me i thought maybe you didn’t like to smile…

Poem: pandora’s box

a rabbit hearted girl i was before you broke me i rose from my ashes a battle raven ready for war, and i will not smile kindly upon your countenance should we meet again; i will dismiss you without a…

Poem: A tale of two paperboats

By: Debleena Majumdar One sunshine morning, We floated side by side, Two identical paperboats. Our paper sails nodding Gently, in tune with our Familiar breeze of stories. Across the orange sunset, Floated our magic castle, On a winding stairway of…

Poem: awake in the dark

By: Milt Montague awake in the predawn dark sleep impossible night is endless I am alone… alone wretchedly alone in a barren void desperate to find another soul hear another voice to contravene the emptiness to confirm my reality to…

Poem: When a Homeless Girl Dies

By: Adreyo Sen Some are cold hints of an elegy where they stand. Their silence, a promise they will be remembered. No one could see her. Her hunger made her invisible to people more practiced in smiles. She was distemper on…

Poem: My Father’s Eyes

By: Adreyo Sen Only in your eyes can I touch the sky, that you fear for me lets me rend its thick curtains with my fiercest cry. A thing of beauty blazing pride I return to your side. I did not…

Poem: Dream of Dying

By: Jason D. DeHart Last night, I dreamed of death – not in some dramatic or kaleidoscopic way, but in a manner I could not see. We were traveling, the family and I, when we somehow got word, so I…


By: Tendai R Mwanaka This people remains downtrodden in their hungers, the emptiness- of their lives. In their victim’s posture! They scrounge for food in the streets. Their children are in the streets. Their women have chosen a moonlight career….


By: Tendai R Mwanaka Aftermaths of garbage tossed about, sewage rotting.   Dirty water, empty stomachs, empty lives, empty beings.   This garden is a history of thousands of them. Political loose canons living in the exclusive suburbs.   But…

Poem: Remembering A Dead Teacher

Meandering rills around the dales Dense woods without scales Sing of such a Teacher’s summum bonum Who’s boosted courage in life and love in human Stayed fearless in life’s battle-field Fighting with honesty and justice as shield The people were…