Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Poem: Women Waiting at the Baths

By: Melanie Barbato A woman with mud-smeared face A woman not burnt by the flame A woman in hiding Among neighbours and friends A woman and her four children Their cornrow hair Done for the day A woman nervously fiddling A…

Poem: Ordinary Woman

By: Melanie Barbato Evil baffles me Not because it is alien to me – no evil is- But because for each Weakness, perversion, I fight in myself There marches An army of fools That has turned them Into their creed…

Poem: Farruk Ahmed

By: Mohammad Jashim Uddin O Farruk! Perverted nation is now cursed. Slumbered nation is marching towards Avoiding the blood eyes and being inspired In order to break the Satan’s wall. O Farruk! You are not a lost Sinbad. You are faster…

Poem: Still-born

By: Jeshtha Kamra While our bodies share its secrets In all its mistiness Our memories bake into blackened bricks. I keep searching you Between our melting bodies and frozen minds. Blindfolding reality Into the maddening swirl of shameless confessions. In our…

Poem: Laments

By: April Mae M. Berza I could have read “The Fault in our Stars” but I chose to hear your laments about your ex who chose his ex over you. The pain in my chest is like an inactive volcano…

Poem: If I were a river

By: April Mae M. Berza If I were a river, I will choose you as my destination, to flow like the tears of the cherubs one summer to quench the thirst of the vineyards. I could hear the orchestra, your…

Poem: Pain

By: Ranjeet Sarpal Pain survives on its capacity to evoke memories Carefully selectively Memories are underpinned Then repetition of selective memories deepens the agonized self Triggering sea storm in blood veins . Words are recalled instinctual touch is forgotten. The broken…

Poem: joy of today

By: Linda M Crate the trees and the sun beckon me outside and i follow without thought of the dishes or the laundry mopping or vacuuming floors life is made for the living and dust is for the dead; let…

Poem: Alive

By: Linda M. Crate  you want to cage me, but my heart is too wild it even evades my rib cage i am wild and free a spirit that dances in the trees and stones of the river nature makes…