Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Poem: frozen

By: Linda M. Crate baby,it’s cold outsidelike thenightswe used to walkhometogether in;and it made me wantto cry whenjack frost whispered yourname in the ice—chilled meto the bone,andi’ve never felt so numbbefore in mylife;you were someone i thoughti could trust—didn’t realizeyouwere…

Poem: beauty of silence

By: Linda M Crate you miss me? she claimed to and then ended our friendship over something petty and juvenile as me not answering a text whilst i was working, and it must be nice to live in a delusional…

Poem: succubus

By: Linda M. Crate you’re a loadedgod complexcocked and pulledshot me straight throughthe heart,and my stained glasssoul is stillreeling in the silver ofyour melancholy;giving love a bad namebecause the onlychess gameyou’ll play is lust—lulled me into afalse sense of securityjust…

Poem: Love’s Language

By: Chandra Shekhar Dubey I feel presence of my being In your glaring eyes where streams Of untold miseries flow to weave A world of aborted desires, unfulfilled dreams. Your pale face tells the days spent in miseries. I feel…

Poem: Rushing In Place

By: B.A. Varghese The green leaves crush and crackle underfoot leaving a trail along strong brown trunks that pierce wispy clouds in the sapphire sky. I leave footprints behind in the soft ground and crushed grass, in accord with and…

Poem: Passing

By: Ken Eberhart Somewhere, there’s a number sitting in a bank. Whether or not the money is actually there, I don’t know. It is just a couple of hundred bucks of Monopoly money that may or may not have been placed…

Poem: Oregon October

By: Ken Eberhart There is a concrete arch bridge on the 101. Beneath that arch, salmon boats venture out to sea, and ride twenty foot swells for five hours. Tourists pay ninety-five dollars apiece to sail the same ocean that Nicholson…