Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: James Aitchison Why do we abandon thetrue essence of ourselves,and accept minds shutteredand shadowed?Why do we avoid the joyfulsoul and crave a life of limitations?Fresh and eternal transitionawaits before death.Take refuge in the quiet voicethat speaks within every soul.Plant…


The popularity of alkaline water has surged in recent times. It is hailed for its amazing health benefits and unique properties. As consumers become more environmentally conscious, there is a massive interest in understanding the environmental impact of this trendy…


By: Bruce Levine Every time I hear from an Old friend I think about my life Old Friends Years go byTwenty years – Thirty years – Fifty years And yet we pick up Like it was last week True friends…


By: Cheryl Snell Another Wrinkle in Time She’s prone to losing things. A tooth here. A word there. Her flesh still contains the memory of them, and yet they are lost. Fat tries to smother the memory and redirect attention….


By: James Aitchison They say that there isone more bridge to cross,always.You will never reach theother side,really.Now hear the Voice that speakstruth in your soul.Olive groves and roseswill sing by day.By the moon,orange blossoms.Pick the fruit ofthe soul.It will sustain…


By: Matthew Yoon Throughout human history, many events that took place in certain periods led to today’s world. In The Great Gatsby, the author F. Scott Fitzgerald depicts the negative effects of those who pursued the American Dream through a…


By: George J. Searles HEARTENING IMAGE Feeling bad? Depressed?Here’s a little somethingto cheer you up. Picture your enemies, mottledas med school cadavers,fleeing through the public square, shrieking as they’re chasedaround and aroundthe ornamental fountain by muscular, whip-cracking,indelicate ex-offenders (or current…


By: Michelle Murray Falling Apart Things don’t seem to beGoing my wayI feel likeI’m falling apartPiece by pieceA little hereA little thereMuscles are soreGray hairs are showingIt’s hard to get up in the morningGet movingThe bed is warm and invitingBlankets…


By: Pramod Rastogi A Cup Full of Sorrow There is a call from my love.It has touched a chord in my heart.Never has she called me before,Monsoon seems to be not far off. Wilted flowers are looking revived.Faded scent has…


By: Shontay Luna Las Cosas Pequeñas No necesito muchopara ser feliz. Mifelicidad reside enlas cosas más pequeñas; el sol, las nubes, losabrazos de mis hijas,la risa de mis nietos.Hay muchoscosas más,pero terminaré estapoema con esos,porque son losmás importantes. I am…