Literary Yard

Search for meaning


According to a news, researchers have confirmed that William Shakespeare is the author of the play ‘Double Falsehood’. The study was conducted in collaboration with James Pennebaker, also at UT-Austin which provides a deeper exploration of an author’s psychological profile. ‘Double…


By:  Raymond Greiner A few months ago I was researching for an essay on the cycles of the sun learning about the billions of years it has taken to achieve its present size, and its continual expansion, eventually achieving a…


By: Raymond Greiner In 1961 while hiking along the Miramichi River in New Brunswick, Canada I came upon a trail leading up the riverbank. I decided to explore this trail. As I crested the hill above the flood plain a…


A lot of people have preferred to convey their intellect and thoughts through literature. It’s a fact that writers are often carried away by the society as well as the social context. While some of you may love to hate…


By: William T. Hathaway   From the Book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War RADICAL PEACE is a collection of reports from antiwar activists, the true stories of their efforts to change our warrior culture. In this chapter a mother tells…


By: Jerry Mullins People ask me “Why do you seem to like being the town drunk?” Well, when I get asked that every once in awhile, I think about it. Then I tell them, just like I am reading a list….


By: William T. Hathaway   I was sitting in full lotus, body wrapped in a blanket, mind rapt in deep stillness, breathing lightly, wisps of air curling into the infinite space behind my closed eyes. My mantra had gone beyond…


By: William T. Hathaway   “I’m getting hot,” croaked the frog as he floated in a pot of water from which steam was beginning to rise. “Me too,” croaked the other frog as she paddled listlessly. “This water used to…


By: Debleena Majumdar Drenched, soaking, I enter the café, My pocket empty of notes. “A grande latte, Make that a large” “Cash or card?” “A poem, actually.” “I’ll pay with a poem” She stares at me, I need that coffee. I…


By: Ram Prasath When Chithranjan Das, toredapage from the Calendar, it showed 23-Aug-2045. ‘Could there be someone like you, elsewhere in any planet or universe? Technology has gone to such a height, but you are still sticking to papers, notes and…