Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Milt Montague awake in the predawn dark sleep impossible night is endless I am alone… alone wretchedly alone in a barren void desperate to find another soul hear another voice to contravene the emptiness to confirm my reality to…


 By: Sam Rapth In the hall, on the TV, a doctor was uttering the following in an excitedly composed tone. “What is a body? Muscles and Nerves!! Practice for four days, lunch at 3 O clock and on the 4th day,…


By: Adreyo Sen Some are cold hints of an elegy where they stand. Their silence, a promise they will be remembered. No one could see her. Her hunger made her invisible to people more practiced in smiles. She was distemper on…


By: Adreyo Sen Only in your eyes can I touch the sky, that you fear for me lets me rend its thick curtains with my fiercest cry. A thing of beauty blazing pride I return to your side. I did not…


By: Jason D. DeHart Last night, I dreamed of death – not in some dramatic or kaleidoscopic way, but in a manner I could not see. We were traveling, the family and I, when we somehow got word, so I…


By: Tendai R Mwanaka This people remains downtrodden in their hungers, the emptiness- of their lives. In their victim’s posture! They scrounge for food in the streets. Their children are in the streets. Their women have chosen a moonlight career….


By: Tendai R Mwanaka Aftermaths of garbage tossed about, sewage rotting.   Dirty water, empty stomachs, empty lives, empty beings.   This garden is a history of thousands of them. Political loose canons living in the exclusive suburbs.   But…


Meandering rills around the dales Dense woods without scales Sing of such a Teacher’s summum bonum Who’s boosted courage in life and love in human Stayed fearless in life’s battle-field Fighting with honesty and justice as shield The people were…


L’amour est un oiseau rebelle Que nul ne peut apprivoiser. . The Habanera,. Carmen, act 1. By Gaither Stewart Adriano and Zero have just consumed first one bottle, then a second of a classic Chianti at the City Lights Bar…


By: Neelam Singh Just a simple hug Speaks millions of words Helps ease one’s burden Reduces it to zero Just a simple smile Makes one feel warm inside All tension gone For those who give or receive Peace of mind overflows…