Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Pijush Kanti Deb It’s a well decorated stage yet may not be beautiful to all witnessing eyes and all of us are compelled to climb a flight of nine stairs up to reach the compulsory stage holding mother’s kind…


By: Debleena Majumdar A friend called at work, Stepping onto the battleground. Narrowly missing the latest new missile, A strategic powerpoint file. A friend called at work, Reminding me of the plans made for lunch. But it was not A good…


I’m an editor, not a brainless salesman And I don’t review or publish porn Maybe the nextdoor nerds will love it Dump your scripts at their door If you believe I missed the psychological conflict Veiled behind the exceedingly damn’d…


By: Prachi Sharma How the hell do I take out that bitch Marilyn, Nick pondered, as he slumped on the giant bed in his opulent suite in Waldorf-Astoria, New York City. The AC was on full blast, yet his expensive…


By: Kousik Adhikari As the night alights, I fear to look At the drowsing sky, because it’s dark now Dark like the dark- Like the dark ink our mothers Draw on child’s forehead, cursing Satan, cursing eyes, I don’t know…


As the line between media blurs, literature and film narrative have become more seamless. This season, the ZEE Jaipur Literature Festival will unfold the mystery behind cinematic adaptations of literature, in the changing face of the Indian film industry that…


By: Shilpa Jayshankar I brush away my abstract thoughts, That had ceased my ingenuity I free my fright, That had only hindered my chore I halt my fret about the un-enlightenment That had disallowed me from doing anything! I stop praying,…


By: Neelam Singh Violent eyes Cunning comments Heart piercing growls Evil intent Gossip gossip gossip I struggled to stand Fingers pointed Tongues lashed Whipped I was Crucified to the end Death and life balanced me on each side I trod…


By: Debleena Majumdar   If you took a page From my travel diary, Would it dance nimbly Around the water’s edge On the beaches of Sri Lanka? Fly over the towers of New York? Float over the canals of Venice, Peep…


By: Adreyo Sen When the little girl was very little, her dearest possession was her pillow, a soft, shapeless thing of blue cotton. To her, its smell was the most beautiful thing in the world. The little girl carried her pillow…