Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Anthony J. Langford Streaming slates of light Room encrusted gold Music soars, billowing Even in silence Possibilities in motion There’s a feeling Stronger than love Not from within But externalized Expanding to the horizon And beyond. Life is never…


By: Anthony J. Langford Take a look around Close quarters In rounded wholes This is the life you’ve created A home Where you reside At least physically With another. Once joyous Where empty rooms Were common As it was always…


By: Anthony J. Langford Large house Small space kept regularly Remove sleeping As percent time In one apartment sized Tripping over faces Foot in mouth Six people Laughing, yelling Driving each other crazy One inch at a time As though…


By: Anthony J. Langford Online Too easy to dismiss Ignore Or misplace Turn the cheek Without eyeing the face. It’s not that the intent is bad Or the words cliché But that there’s so much more That precedes it. A…


By: Aamir Sohail Do you remember how it feels to be really wrong? Like when you close your eyes and walk down the steps and you feel there is one last step, except there isn’t and you’ve reached the bottom. That…

Literary criticismPoetry

By: Sai Diwan “The poet has become a lost voice on the horizon, a cultural presence and prophetic voice we imagine still exists, but is not really near at hand.” Many have found respite in poetry. Lyrics have indulged, sonnets…


By: Gaither Stewart With a pretty face but a tendency toward heavy thighs, fat arms and a roll around her tummy, sixteen year-old Eliana had gradually stopped eating. Last June, with the swimming and beach season at the door and…


The programme for Jaipur Literature Festival 2014 is now live on the festival’s website! Visitors can look forward to sessions such as Story of a Death Foretold with Oscar Guardiola-Riviera, Serendip with Sri Lankan diaspora writers, Mahasamar with Narendra Kohli…


By: Raymond Greiner Frequently we make an observation describing something as natural. A child is given opportunity to learn a musical instrument. Then this student displays unusual adaptability to the instrument becoming proficient in an abnormally short span of time….


By: Amal Lucerne blare blare blare please shift gear, beams misplaced stage lights jamming illicit slicked back jaundice hey, i’ll call you, mantra