Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Monika Nair At two distant places…there’s a transparent me and a translucent you. As we walk together, our shadows follow us. I watch them play little games…watch them merge and then, diverge. I flap my fevered eyelids and gape at…


It’s proven now that reading a literary fiction makes us better, since a literary book helps us understand others better. A study has found this. Following the Guardian news which says that Psychologists David Comer Kidd and Emanuele Castano, of…

Books ReviewsFiction

(Selections from the Novel by William T. Hathaway) The story in brief: In 2026 the earth’s ecosystem has broken down under human abuse. Water supplies are shrinking. Rain is rare, and North America is gripped in the Great Drought with crops…


By: Sushmita Kaneri 10th has such a length, I wonder when it starts and end. In the initial days all are so ‘bindass’ freak, But later the UNIT TEST arises and we become weak! UNIT TEST ends and it is a…


  By: Rupal Rathore (1) I’ve just started my story , Not knowing how it’ll end Without a jury To criticize its bend(s). (2) Let’s picture a scene Of a classroom with people, young Forty or so, aged seventeen Noise, squeals,…


By: Shruti Sawant She was being careful. She remembered what Mummy said, ”Stick to the footpaths. The Cars might kill you.” She followed the line of tiles on the pavement. The bite of the Sunlight pleased her. Gracy Miss said that…


By: Somrita Urni Ganguly He sat next to her, a wall, Unmoving. Unmoved? No, no, she convinced herself – A wall is not necessarily an obstacle; A wall is also about rootedness, about support. There is hope for her still….


By: Ashish daslaxman   As it is said in the Bhagavad Gita “This body is made up of gross elements, do not lament for its loss, like one changes his garments and puts on new ones, the soul changes bodies.” My…


  By JP Miller I’m sitting—no, reclining—in an oversized hospital chair at Ft. Kessler, Biloxi, Mississippi and dangling my legs over the thing, trying to get the energy to attempt a walk again. My right leg doesn’t want to work….


By: Jina Joan Dcruz I breathe Into the fire of a thousand tears They are the silenced You walk Through the debris of dreams We are the silencers We dance By the valley of death Where the silence screams Of unspeakable…