Literary Yard

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poem on rain

Poem: nature as my teacher

By: Linda M Crate there is such a peace in falling rain such a music that no human voice can dance through me, and such a joy i’ve never felt when in the sunlit rivulets full of idle conversation; some…

Poem: A Rain Song

By: Debleena Majumdar Drenched, soaking, I enter the café, My pocket empty of notes. “A grande latte, Make that a large” “Cash or card?” “A poem, actually.” “I’ll pay with a poem” She stares at me, I need that coffee. I…

Poem: Near Cleopatra’s Door

By: Kousik Adhikari For the last few days rain shut me indoor, Lying on my ancestral bed that shrieks with every Splash of body I see the rain’s youth dancing On roofs, leaves, street’s black face, Water hissing, galloping the streets,…

Poem: Noise Umbrella

By: Aftab Yusuf Shaikh I have forgotten my umbrella; Not that I am irresponsible, I was going insane That was possible, The deafening thump of The hundreds of rain drops, The loud crack of clay, and The timid lightening That cracks…

Poem: It’s about to rain

By: Bamgbose Gabriel   The trees dance As the heavy wind whistles Like an umpire in the green field Opening the long-awaited march It’s about to rain The hackles of the firmament Has risen, risen and ready To vent their anger…