Literary Yard

Search for meaning


person holding a stress ball

‘The Old Men’ and other poems

By: Steve Grogan “The Old Men” I’ll be one of them someday,the old men who wait on the lonely park bench. The October dust comesas Halloween breathes around them.Autumn glows on their shoulders. The old men sit therewaiting for something to…

woman standing nearcherry blossom trees

The responsive awakening of springtide

By: Paweł Markiewicz The springtime wakes upin may glory and dreamsin May-tender homeland O! Dreamy moony springimmortalize the enchantmentof the Naiad forever! the pensiveness of a feather from crowsyou are black such a muse-like falchionthinker with many oboliI listen to…

‘The Unending Road’ and other poems

By: Parama Naik The Unending Road The feet suffer from sunburns, there’s an eruptionof the lava in the belly, it’s stretching out likethe radius of the sea after being swollen by themelting glaciers caused by global warminganytime the flesh, bone…


By John Hansen Poetry is never subservient.It is bright flashes of light,breaking the restraints of conformity.The elements of human nature bareon a beautiful pallet—formed into meaningfulimagination.Poetry is a fragrance of extreme delight. ### John Hansen received a BA in English…

Poem: “Transitory”

By: Dixon Hearne Steel mummies rust in scattered heaps as if tossed by pitchfork— littering the desert floor, changing shape with light and shadow and imagination. Debris. History. Art. A child’s roadside guessing game, chards and nuances of some former world…

Poem: Air i breathe

By: Katie Lewington  poetry – quit, no this is for a living an appreciated form of writing call it poetry and it will have people saying i don’t read that but in a different guise it’s a meme, a share and…

Poem: Poetry is …

By: Milt Montague poetry the ultimate language implying a multitude saying little shorthand a story simply told much left to imagination creative imagery cloaks an idea in protective camouflage a strong feeling held close briefly committed to paper words are…


By: Balu George I write poetry without ambition, Without wondering about rhyme, Or worrying about metaphors. I write because I like writing, Just like, I like watching Women brush hair of their forehead, Balloons floating up towards the sky on…