Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Poem: Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer

By: Yevgeniya Przhebelskaya  Jesus’s disciples asked: teach us to pray. Today, crying or cursing, we seek “Our Father …” Our careers are thorny, we reap backstabs, gossip and sin. Our daily bread is hormone filled protein. Our enemies who are not…

Poem: November Cold

By: Kimberly Potter Kendrick Memories diminished Her name he recalled Stroking his skin Kissing his forehead Profound denial Terminal, incomprehensible She reminisced Daddy’s little girl Her protector She tumbled He plucked her up Tossed her high Giggling as she towered…

Poem: I Pray for You

By: Zunayet Ahammed When I’m free and nothing to do I delight in recollecting your name More than seven times Defeating a school boy’s passion for his sweetheart. In watching TV if I feel uninterested I recall your reminiscences quietly…