Poem: Invitation Not Required
By: Anthony J. Langford
Too easy to dismiss
Or misplace
Turn the cheek
Without eyeing the face.
It’s not that the intent is bad
Or the words cliché
But that there’s so much more
That precedes it.
A shack in the bush
A laser lined compound
Your space penetrable
If they wish it
Eyes in the darkness
A hand near your shoulder
A click on your photo
A voice is not a platform
And turning away
Does not remove
The person.
We are sand
Drifting across a desert road
A whisper
Lost to the air.
Anthony J. Langford lives in Sydney, writes novels, stories, poetry and creates video poems. He is a 2014 Pushcart Prize Nominee. Recent publications include Five Poetry Magazine, Forge Journal and The Glass Coin. He works in television and has made short films, some screening internationally. A novella, Bottomless River (2012) and a poetry collection, Caged without Walls (2013) are out through Ginninderra Press.
Much of his work at www.anthonyjlangford.com