Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Imran Zarif  Arman stood at the entrance of his childhood home, now worn with time. The walls, once filled with laughter, whispered tales of the past. Everything happens on time, he thought. With time, we evolve, we part our…


By James Aitchison In the early 1930s, a middle-aged Oxford University professor sat down at his desk, reached for a blank sheet of paper, and scribbled the immortal words: “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.” The…


By: Jim Bates Winter’s frigid songCold wind howling through bare treesWindswept melody. Clear cold winter night Dome of stars bright and immenseStarlight streaming bliss. Out comet huntingSaw instead a soft sunsetMagic in the sky. Winter afternoonSunlight hanging suspendedAlmost whispering.


By: Andrew Nickerson In military tactics/strategy, many great names have risen/fallen in prominence. However, one name has consistently stood the test of time: Sun Tzu, author of The Art of War. This 2,000-year-old text set the standard for everything from…


By: Marc Livanos It was late January and the air was damp. There was a dusting of snow. The panels on the windows were frosted. The fireplace burned brightly. Audrey and I live in a cul-de-sac of Ficus and evergreens….


By: Bruce Levine Gary Campbell weighed his options. He could stay on the course he’d started at fourteen or now, at twenty-four, shift gears and go in another direction. The problem was, what else could he do?                 He was…

Literary criticism

By James Aitchison He was born in Singapore to a Chinese father and British mother.  Not only was he the most successful Singaporean author of all time, but also the creator of a character whose uninterrupted success was one of…


By: James Aitchison Unthinking,unaware of his path,man makes choices,takes refuge in the transient,favours the fault lineover the rock.Every man has hismeasure of goodness.He is never lost.In the stillness of his soul,he can reclaim hispurpose and his gifts.The wheel spinsthe truth.


By: Bruce Levine “It’s still cold out,” she said as soon as she returned from walking their dog. “Time to have a talk with Mother Nature.”                 The calendar was nearing April, he agreed, and while the temperature was considered…


By: Kyle Joseph Omandac Ilustrisimo Weighted flight I was once a free birdGracefully swifting through spaceUnbothered by the whistling turbulenceA bird that morning delights breed But then, my life happenedThe weight of feathers doubledBody stuffed with tripled troubleAnd now, I…