‘Your true worth’ and other poems
By: Angela Moore
Your True Worth
When you can’t see your worth.
You crave fames decadent reprieve.
To melt the emptiness within.
Bask in the spotlights warm glow.
Though it only illuminates the damage they’ve done.
To such a beautiful soul.
Who was and will always be.
What Do You Call a Female Pawn?
You call her the silly clown.
Laughing at the finish line.
You call her the powerless player.
Pulling the strings.
You call her the nameless piece.
Changing the game.
Call her….
The future queen of all I decide to conquer.
So, remain blind to my worth.
For it will be your loss.
From Sirius to The Sun
After spending lightyears in the background.
Desperately trying to be you.
I now realize something…you were right.
I’ll never shine the way you do.
I’m not meant to.
Because that’s your beautiful light.
But these magnificent rays.
Glistening before your very eyes.
Stem from my unique inner core.
And I’ll ignite my radiant flames.
Day after day.
With a burning sense of pride.
Even though most will never see them.
Or ever know the source of their lovely glow.
– Sirius Star
Angela Moore currently works at Yale University in the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library. She enjoys writing poetry, illustrating comics, and relaxing with coloring books.