By: Andrea Myinga
There are no worries,
If all you want is your self
Earth peopled with strangers
They first care for themselves.
Look around at least to find one
The sun might fall down
Leaving your eyes on streets
Catching none who put anyone first
Hard pressing legs on ground
If shades are still out of reach
Stand high with your toes
Peeping to see the holds of future
It’s obvious cannot see through
For days have got a lot inside
Then learn a magic of day light
Touching everything with love
Things gonna change beautiful
And an anthem be hakuna matata.
Andrea Myinga writes from Tanzania. His poems have been published in The Writers Space Africa, Kalahari Review, Literary Yard, Allpoetry, Hello Poetry, Spillwords Press, Power Poetry, Ibua Journal, PoeticAfrica and The Griots of Ubuntu, an anthology. Some of his poems appear designed on graphics in his Facebook account running by the name Andrea Myinga. He takes writing as a celebration of his talent. In every opportunity of writing is an invitation to celebrate his being. He joyously do the writing with one heart and one mind and the world felt a better place.