Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Three Bridges Across Europe

By Julia Lesel When I was 21, a lone female backpacker, I passed through Salzburg, Rome, and Vienna. At one bridge in each city, I took out a notebook and started writing a little sketch of what I observed going…

Glacial Pace: Face of Change

By: Edmund Weisberg My favorite book as a toddler was Green Eggs and Ham. I asked my parents to read it to me so often that my father, in particular, wanted to beg off the nightly duty because he felt…

Life’s Little Travel Lists

By Mark D. Walker Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the differenceRobert Frost During my stint as a Peace Corps Volunteer, I was smitten by and would marry…

Three Journeys

By: Srinivas S (for Preethi, who was part of the best of them) It seems almost clichéd these days to say that journeys are more important than destinations. In my case, though, journeys have always mattered so much more than…

Sumptuous Nan and Puthena

By: Pavle Radonic Following some weighing late afternoon Nilla it was that would be given a try for their nan. An initial look at the veg. counter proving underwhelming, a turn on heel and march out the door almost ensued….