Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Yuan Changming I have already stopped But it is my shadow That is still moving As if it has a farther Destination to reach So, don’t even try to Hold it back within Your shape, but just Let it…


Gary Beck’s new novel ‘Flawed Connections’ is up for grabs. You can check the brief description below before you buy the book. Four close friends: Ted, son of a former anti-Vietnam war activist; Philippe, son of a French mother and…

Literary criticism

Literary Theory and literary terms have always troubled the literary students all over the world. Nonetheless they are interesting and, once understood, help you to read literature. You get to know multiple things about literature. Your thoughts get wings. You read a…


By: Miguel Gardel When I first moved to Queens I had to go get myself matriculated at the local high school, which was Novoton, in Elmhurst. It was late April and the school year had only May and June to…


Did you ever spend time thinking about the toughest languages of the world? Have you ever faced an instance where you had to communicate something to a speaker of the languages which are thought to be toughest in the world? I’ve encountered a…


By: Linda M Crate i remember her mismatched eyes disconcerted many, but they were beautiful in their own right; unique in a world that wishes us all to conform wish i had been brave enough to tell her that but…


By: Linda M Crate there is such a peace in falling rain such a music that no human voice can dance through me, and such a joy i’ve never felt when in the sunlit rivulets full of idle conversation; some…


By: Linda M Crate the rain falls brings me peace i couldn’t find in the sunshine of your golden locks or in the blue skies of your eyes because everything in you was an illusion you were the prince in…


By: Rajandeep Garg Woolgathering zephyr that burrows through the hard-baked kinks of wheat, enwraps my face with ambient caresses, entangles with my flippant tendrils somewhere lateral down the lob. Squatted shadows of its estranged gushes ambles o’er the tossing mustard, like…


By: Rajandeep Garg Absolute Sun and underneath its ordinance, graven are shadows. Akin wearisome palimpsests and dateless as, babels in a rotunda. Unlike the stars with a borrowed sunshine, and with their constancy of ever changing joy, cascades myriads of…