Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Adreyo Sen When I woke up in the morning, You were gone. I looked for You everywhere. I went to the temple, but You were not there. I went to the mosque, but they said You were long gone. I…


By: Reese Scott when its dark after turning on all the lights on opening up all the blinds and there is no rain snow or clouds just black and movies loose their pictures music loose their sound and books have…


By: Tom Sheehan Friends found Jamesie by dark tracks, between home and the last-pint draught of wine from a pseudo-canteen soldered firmly to his hip, the left, where stray shot from fanatic Hun bore in. Beside the silver rail they…


By: Mitch Green I wasn’t the focus, the focal diction – Fiction dead on ambition. Wishing, superstition – salivating, Procreating the filth from my heart. Fresh starts are only mental manipulation, Lonely relations held in handless arms. Stoic seasons pass fast…


By: Mitch Green Interstellar techno-optics formed flashes of bright, splashing pigments across the far wall. Fashionably suitable for this celebrative, retro-themed shindig. Knee-high stockings skinned to the seam of multicolor ribbons. Lacing wars, racing to slither between breasts of a golden…


By: Mohammad Jashim Uddin You are invited cordially. Come, please come to me straight. You are the chief guest in my death anniversary celebration ceremony. Can you remember why I celebrate it? Every December 15 I must observe because I…


By: Raymond Greiner Human social design has traveled a long, meandering path encountering a myriad of challenges, barriers and conflicts. History unveils an assortment of achievements, errors, and misdirection resulting in what is perceived as the modern era. Historical sociological…


By: Shilpa Jayshankar For all that they said, the entire life will be spent there, Snuggling in the corner For all that they gave, a silent treatment, For that they shot with those hurtful words For that they demeaned, abhorring the…

Books ReviewsNews

A new collection of poems published by Saint Julian Press, ‘Numinous’  composed by Leila A. Fortier which is said to invoke the spirit of the first female saint of Sufism – Rabi’a al-Basri. It claims to arise from the deepest memories…


By: Reese Scott it was only a gun that she had found under a stranger’s pillow after they had made love it felt warm in her hand it felt warmer than he did when he was inside her