Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Debleena Majumdar She peeped from the Leaking tap, dazzled By the tapestry life spun. Seeking her life under the Sun. She dripped. One lost drop. Jostling with the million Other drops in the tanker, She heard with dread, The…


By: Reese Scott At fourteen they went behind the barn and got married. She brought one of her dogs and he brought one of his friends. After the wedding they dropped acid, climbed flag poles, put fireworks inside peoples’ homes…

Books Reviews

By: Vanessa Cutts Jack sprat could eat no fat and his wife could eat no lean so between them both you see they licked the plate clean Jack Sprat came from a very large family. He had too many relatives…


By: Basit Olatunji Although my words may carry the buccal venom of an angry witch and the fire of a possessed wizard they sometimes too, ooze a cooling breeze and sheath the sword of a bullying Capulet in the face of…


By: Basit Olatunji (For ill-fated husbands) could this be a woman or a monstrous monster? think she’s a woe-man worse than a human before her husband came to relieve her parents of their desperate daughter it’s a pity, he never knew…


By: Raymond Greiner The desert appears lifeless, void of color. No cathedrals, only isolation, heat and blinding sun. One must hike the desert’s long trail to understand it. Hunker down on a cold desert night as scorpions may sleep in…

Books ReviewsNews

Songs of a Clerk, another collection of poems by author and poet Gary Beck, claims to show us a unique perspective on life, hope, and our too-often faded dreams. Through his gifted poetry the publisher claims that we would be…


By: Sam Rapth The Coastal Road was dancing according to the music of the soaking sun. At the horizon, it was difficult to differentiate between the sky and the sea. The bluish sea glittered in the morning sun. This Road…

Books ReviewsNews

‘Orfeo’ a novel by Richard Powers has been able to make to the longlist of the Man Booker Prize 2014. Orfeo has earned a number of good reviews from renowned newspapers and magazines globally. The book is said to be…


By: Ranjeet Singh While walking through a faceless crowd Looking at the golden temple And its golden reflections in the water, Measuring its pride in one quick glimpse The poor child, Adding curiosity to his hunger, Asked his mother Do…