Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Joseph Grant   The venerable old Grand Central Market was as good a place to meet as any, thought Eddie Ruggerio. It had been on Grand Street for almost a decade on the entire ground floor of the Homer Laughlin…


By: Kyle Hemmings We are glitter-puppies in a dance temple of extended happy hour truths. Some of us will die in our distressed jeans. Who is the closet lipster with too many au cell phone lives? So wasted in those buckled…


  By: Kyle Hemmings   At work, her father fights a losing war with paper men. Home, Zin imagines wind scorpion women without musical sense, exoskeletons in the morning, left-overs of love. Some girls are cursed with supernatural powers of hearing….


By: Kyle Hemmings Her new step-mom keeps losing herself in supermarkets, especially in the aisle that sells kitty litter or retractable dog leashes. She loves little dogs & homeless cats & admits freely that she herself might be verging on extinction….


By Richard King Perkins II He squats naked and glorious. He does not move. Intimidated, everything comes to him. Light, substance, power. The naïve, the curious, the envious. It’s true and utterly transparent. I despise his perfection. He is far more…

Books Reviews

By Richard King Perkins II   Where does it hurt when cardboard walls collapse in a sodden pile around you, snuffing the candle soaking a scrounged meal and your only change of rags?   Where does it hurt when city rain…


By: Onkar Sharma The Monday morning blues kept on gripping me as I drove through the busiest Delhi-Jaipur highway in Gurgoan. There is an important meeting today with the client, I thought and accelerated. But then, something happened to vehicles…


By: Christopher Mulrooney the humpbacked whales you shouted in my ear as we ran along the highway something about the humpbacked whales over and over again


By: Brenna Deane   The dark moon, a burnt out light bulb A translucent orb of molding cheese Cool light, sour life, quiet hum, dusty surface, bitter aroma Wide eyes absorb the gentle melody Armstrong’s first step into Space The…


The river still waits for the boats that once sailed over to the other side with hopes to conquer lands beyond the distant hillocks. Centuries have gone by yet no fellow returned. Not even a descendant ever showed up. No news…