Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Strayed into enemy’s, 23 years ago And taken prisoner And falsely implicated for spying And then sentenced to death! But with life caught in diplomacy Sarabjit finally returned home, Disfigured and dead, He was robbed of his heart and lung…


By: Erin F. Robinson It was his last night playing guitar at the tango salon as a bachelor. His band mates lined up at the bar, and as Flor poured them each a glass of gin, she raised the last glass…


By: John Michael Flynn   Christmas was a week away when Tillman Grossklag found Claudia Ruden face down in vomit on the floor of her Manhattan apartment. Tillman was the only person Claudia had entrusted with a key. Tillman removed the…


By: Corey Cook   You lean against Nana’s charcoal grey Taurus – a monochromatic reflection of the midday sky. Hands in pockets. Hat pulled down. And watch your siblings search the boggy yard for “eggs.” Empty pantyhose containers heavy with…


 By: Ian Cassidy    As a child I never read a kid’s book, I just didn’t get on with them. Narnia, Wind in the Willows, Winnie, Alice and William, I read them all later, as an adult, I think they’re…

Books ReviewsNews

Mythology and storytelling are fused together in Samhita Arni’s new novel ‘The Missing Queen’, a stylish makeover of The Ramayana. Set in a contemporary Ayodhya, ‘The Missing Queen’ is a story of a journalist’s quest for the missing queen of…


By: Antonio Prata i played sports sometimes like basketball there were courts near the school sometimes i played with big black guys sometimes dad and i went to see the nets play he let me drink a beer when they beat the…


By: Vanessa Cutts A dusty old brass gramophone stood in the corner of the square, sparsely furnished room. The only other piece of furniture was a long wooden divan seat that doubled for sitting and sleeping. Black and white photos of…


By: Richard Lutman   He hoped the long drive through the cold December rain would be worth it. The decision to see Nancy again hadn’t been an easy one. It had been a year since he’d seen her last. There had…


By: Josh Lisiuk I am about to start Allow the journey to depart Please have a read of my poetical story Its one that took place in the odyssey Our brave Hero, Odysseus fresh from the battle of troy A drift…