Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By Bruce Levine Reverie Redux Fluorescent lighting Hovering overhead Transient groups Outlining intervals Of time in a tube Multiscopic vision Projecting data To artificial intelligence Cognitive memory Enhancing realms Infused with dogma Telepathy based society Filled with sensory channels Telekinesis…


By Bruce Levine Spring was officially the season. The Spring Equinox had taken place on March twentieth, and it was now close to the end of April. But for Gary Sounding spring was never truly spring until he’d seen robins…


By: Judith Ferster Fevered, unconscious, I was ambulanced to the ER where, worried I had had a stroke, they sent me, I learned later from records, to the nearby wing with a CT scanner and another with an X-ray machine,…

EssayGlobal Politics

By: Judith Ferster One day in November 2019, when I was traveling with a group in Israel and Palestine, we were walking along the wall separating Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank.  There was much to see because…


By: Paweł Markiewicz The quire of the sheep We are calling for your soulfor a benevolent autumnal sourceMay the hoary times arrivefull of sunny gloom endlessly dream! with a fancycoming from tender seawe are conjuring you dreameryour mythical pearls Come…


By James Aitchison Courage in a society controlled by secret police was a rare commodity.  In Nazi Germany, the party controlled the news media, police, armed forces, judiciary, travel, and all levels of education from kindergarten to university.  Indoctrination started…


By: David R. Topper I often think that they’ve only gone on a journey,and I shall see them all returning homeward! Compelled by an inner urge, some“pre-established harmony of notes and words,”Mahler composed Kindertotenlieder. The day is bright. Fear not!They’ve…


By: James Aitchison Life whispers,and we dream.We have escapedfrom the cage we made.We are no longercontained.Calmness reigns,and stars glitter like grapeson the moonlit vine.Freed, the soul shimmersfor all humanity to see.Truth leads us into agarden where theheart blossoms.


The global cosmetics industry is experiencing unprecedented growth, with market size projections soaring to staggering figures. According to Fortune Business Insights, the global cosmetics market was valued at a staggering $374.18 billion in 2023. The numbers are expected to continue…


By: Osugiri-Iro Ezichi Franklyn It would be the night of an afo, the second one after the seventh new moon when the women came and Obiageli put the blunt razor to your hair, shaving carelessly until you scalp and it…