Incentive To Aspire
By: Raymond Greiner
Human social design has traveled a long, meandering path encountering a myriad of challenges, barriers and conflicts. History unveils an assortment of achievements, errors, and misdirection resulting in what is perceived as the modern era. Historical sociological development displayed distinct contrast with the current social model. Fundamental survival held a position of priority during primeval timelines.
Throughout hunter-gatherer eras human density was sparsely dispersed lending itself to tribal formats in concert with nature. Population expanded assembling in geographically confined spaces. The Fertile Crescent is characterized as “The Birth of Civilization.” So, does this label conjecture earlier human living designs were uncivilized? A confusing word “civilized”. Formally the word is defined as polite, courteous and well mannered. From the Fertile Crescent establishment projected forward represents a fraction of human history and to identify early human cultures as “uncivilized” rings conundrum.
Within this new design agriculture developed, representing a tipping point, one of necessity in order to accommodate urbanized detachment from natural food provision. At this stage need for a method of distribution resulted in innovation of money opening a crack in the door to a magnitude of change exceeding basic survival needs. Shelter became influenced by the power of money moving from simplistic sanctuaries evolving to social separation devices identified as symbols of class status and fiscal worth. Materialism moved to prominence reducing spiritual earthly connections. Those with less were viewed on a lower social plane as standards and manners of living displayed vivid distinctions.
Perplexities magnified and solutions remained elusive, plagued with social errors. Governments became sources of far reaching ambitions imposing military intervention seeking advantage through conquest, gaining manipulative power. The iron fist of power tightened its grip and the sword’s wrath swung freely. Population increases compounded disharmony, permeated with intolerance. These conditions hindered the pursuit of tranquility. Propensity for peaceful orientations weakened, succumbing to intensified collective political and fiscal ambitions. Humanity’s course is in great need of inspiration to discover solutions beyond warring and hate based dysfunction.
Where exactly is inspiration discovered and how can it be applied positively? Monetary wealth and its influence have become positioned as god-like entities causing the bulk of society to view money as singularly the most profound incentive. Money can solve a multitude of problems; it can feed those trapped in poverty. It offers opportunity to engineer wonder devices and discover medical breakthroughs. Just as those of the Fertile Crescent, we need money to survive. At this stage of human development it is impossible to revert to hunter-gatherer concepts. However, we can emulate and apply what archeological discovery reveals as a more harmonious and spiritually influenced design vividly attached among ancient cultures. Now that money has assumed dominance it becomes a tool to be utilized selectively. As money displays its power for good it simultaneously is the single largest influence for corruption touching all increments of society, also serving as a root of war. Observing historic individual achievers money is often a minor player. Van Gough was inspired by art, and received no payment for his efforts; yet, is considered among the greatest artists. Einstein supported himself on a modest professor’s salary. Spiritual teachers and sages uniformly embrace ascetic philosophies. Greatness frequently emerges outside the influence of monetary power and ambition. Inspiration is heart driven, and may or may not be altered by fiscal power.
Where do we begin? Not an easy question and without absolute answers. Global social intolerance is ubiquitous and many view war as a solution, which remains contentious. Some view war as a necessity, uncontrollable, an ongoing event, citing the question: “How are we expected to react when attacked unprovoked?” Weapon sophistication is now capable of killing millions instantly. What has inspired modern civilization to seek and attain this destructive ability? How can the act of killing innocent people be considered worthy, moral and forthright? Is it possible to overcome this pattern of convoluted behavior?
If we individually aspire to embrace compassion and tolerance global social design may redirect toward an improved world. At this point it may seem impossible but hope remains. Ongoing hate, evil and dysfunction will continue if we allow it. We must become inspired to follow an improved pathway seeking peaceful solutions, placing values directed toward higher purpose.
The voice of destiny sings in varied rhythmic tones, often off key and out of tempo, like a catbird singing in a thorn bush. Then the sky opens and darkness becomes light as clouds of doubt vanish.