Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Poem: The Seasons of Thought

By: Kousik Adhikari The seasons of thought throughout the night Tease, taunt, and hunt me, Conscious of her universe Spilling from the sudden conviction That we are present after every withdrawal And still another poem possible. Perhaps the night Dogs…

Poem: Your Song

By: Yuan Changming To sing a single song well, hopefully as Aloud as a pacific whale, whose call can Reach far beyond a continent, you have used All the strengths of your life, but tone-deaf And never able to carry…

Poem: Tendency

By: Yuan Changming I have already stopped But it is my shadow That is still moving As if it has a farther Destination to reach So, don’t even try to Hold it back within Your shape, but just Let it…

Poem: strong

By: Linda M Crate i remember her mismatched eyes disconcerted many, but they were beautiful in their own right; unique in a world that wishes us all to conform wish i had been brave enough to tell her that but…

Poem: nature as my teacher

By: Linda M Crate there is such a peace in falling rain such a music that no human voice can dance through me, and such a joy i’ve never felt when in the sunlit rivulets full of idle conversation; some…

Poem: dragon slayer

By: Linda M Crate the rain falls brings me peace i couldn’t find in the sunshine of your golden locks or in the blue skies of your eyes because everything in you was an illusion you were the prince in…

Poem: Distorted Environs

By: Rajandeep Garg Woolgathering zephyr that burrows through the hard-baked kinks of wheat, enwraps my face with ambient caresses, entangles with my flippant tendrils somewhere lateral down the lob. Squatted shadows of its estranged gushes ambles o’er the tossing mustard, like…

Poem: Clattering bonded sighs

By: Rajandeep Garg Absolute Sun and underneath its ordinance, graven are shadows. Akin wearisome palimpsests and dateless as, babels in a rotunda. Unlike the stars with a borrowed sunshine, and with their constancy of ever changing joy, cascades myriads of…

Poem: Ode to Parrots

By: Rajandeep Garg A mess of withered leftovers of gooseberry amongst stalks of lavender sheen, a bed of leaves sepia and a penumbra of shadows dawn my backyard rough, but glowing amber with polka dots from light through mothy leaves. I…

Poem: Why nylon rope

A nylon rope Looped in Eerie folds Lay close by A forlorn human Who intends To make A quick decision Between life and death After an ambiguous spat With fellow beings Who he wants to show But cannot see At the spur…