Literary criticism
Problem of untouchabilty has fettered the Indian society so deeply that it still persists in every corner of the country. It grips the Hindu society deeply in its malicious claws. This issue was brought into the literary limelight by none…
By William T. Hathaway Chapter 8 the book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War A Granny for Peace told of finding young allies in the struggle against military recruiting. Due to the PATRIOT Act, she wishes to remain nameless. It’s never…
By: Priya Anand A structure that is a portal into another world An obsidian silence wrapped within its confines Soles coated with carbon particles Carry the DNA of those that have passed Nano souls unwilling to break away from this…
The Internet has transformed the book world significantly. It has shifted the power corners and given more powers to aspiring authors since they can publish online on their own using multiple platforms. At the same time, the Internet has confused the literary…
By: Linda M. Crate i like to wear the thoughts of stars and trees on my sleeves, but no one understands they all scoff at the ideas that flutter like butterflies through the sun filled forest of my soul deep…
By: Linda M. Crate my love for you is random and unexpected seems too excessive when her lips are the ones that kiss you to sleep, and still i long to be your ocean the one that washes away your…
By: Linda M. Crate sun drenched hair ocean washed heart soul of flower crowns she shoulders memories no one else can bear, and sometimes when she cries the walls tremble with her as she falls vertigo rising everything sounds like…
By: Nicole R. Sander Please, please, please tell me, I want to know. How can you expect anything to last, throughout this series of moments in this journey that won’t end. After now, right now, everything has shifted. Just an…
By: Douglas J. Ogurek “Love your neighbor as yourself.” – Luke 10:27 Troy Farlander They have a saying around here: “red touch yellow, kill a fellow; red touch black, a friend of Jack.” Coral snakes have yellow, red, and black…
Veiled behind the impassive sunglasses Your eyes may not be able to sting my heart And fetter my legs from going away But your body language snaps at me As I push the luggage trolley to the security check Struggling…