Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Gaither Stewart Professor Emiliano Madero liked to profess publicly that he felt he was in the midst of an epic battle between the two gods of ancient Mexico: Quetzalcoatl, the hero–founder of agriculture and industry, and Tezcatlipoca, the ubiquitous…


By: Zunayet Ahammed You’ve hyped my life more than I’ve ever been So a big floral thank you to you for all your love and fragrance you proffer Whenever I cherish someone in my croft You’re there to sit close…


By: Tanmoy Biswas  ***** Groom could not be found for Shontu’s sister. She was squint-eyed. She buried her life behind the noisy sewing-machine and inside dumb kitchen. Once Shontu took her and their old mother to Darjeeling. when in the cloud-free…


By: Tanmoy Biswas  Kolkata. Sudder Street bylanes. New Delhi. Rajiv Chowk, outside metro station. Hyderabad. Punjagutta Circle. Bangalore. Backyards of Majestic. Kathmandu. Thamel. Faces painted trite. You smack of caution. Your catches stink erection, beer and (if you’re lucky enough) money….

Books Reviews

By: Bekah Steimel Pretend death mailed you a final notice what would you modify, what would you hold close to the ticking time bomb in your chest? give yourself a day to really die, a day to embrace what matters to…


By: Adreyo Sen I am a silence. To myself, the infinite loudness of my pain. No one can hear me. No one knows where I am, so deeply I lie within myself. Were I the weakest iris on a lonely crag,…


By: Jeffrey Miller The day Emily finally got around to boxing up her late husband’s clothes to donate to Goodwill he broke her heart one last time. For months, she painstakingly hung onto them as though this simple act would guarantee…


By: Linda M Crate i sit in the mists of my dreams, but i know my destiny is greater than this; and one day all these sorrows will decrease in value i will rise like the sun in the east…


By: Linda M Crate your heart has no sense of direction even if you are logical, and maybe that’s your problem because there’s nothing logical about love as rewarding as it is; but i wouldn’t expect a self-proclaimed knave to…


Literature Studio in association with Hawakaal Publishers presents the formal launch of the expanded second edition of Poem Continuous — Reincarnated Expressions by Bibhas Roy Chowdhury in STORY, a city bookstore located in southern Kolkata. The Hon’ble Minister of Tourism, Govt. of West…